It was a hot day that summer of '59. you know the kind, when you feel so sticky and irritated that almost nothing cheers you up. Little Jimmy went with his mother to the old Lutheran church ,unwillingly of course, and was letting his mind wanderwith thoughts of balls and candy when, after wiping a bead of sweat from his eyes he happened to glance down from the balcony towards the front of the church and saw the man dressed in the housecoat, standing on a box,saying things that were scary about people going to a place where there is fire and smoke and they
were crying and biting each other.
He looked up to his mother and a tear started to form in his eye. He did not want his mommy going to that bad place that that man was talking about! Why did he say that God was going to put people there?
His mommy had always told him that God loved him and people. And if You loved someone you didn't want to hurt them, did you?