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Christian - Free Christian Crafts, Bible Games, Kid's Sermons, and Christian Skits

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S & S Christian Crafts catalog - Craft Activities for Youth Groups,
Vacation Bible Schools & Sunday Schools.
Selection includes dramatic play, recreation group packs, games & activities selected with the
Christian educator in mind.  To request catalog: 1-800-243-9232  Mon-Fri. 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.,
Sat. 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. OR S & S Worldwide   Fax 1-800-566-6678 24 hours

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Beach Party Crafts for KidsBeach Party Crafts for Kids. Gospel Light. ISBN: 0830719334.
All ashore for an adventure in active learning! Here are dozens of bright island and ocean crafts
that you can use to teach kids about Jesus and His wonderful love. CBD

Bible Story Crafts & Projects Children LoveBible Story Crafts and Projects Children Love.  Group Publishing Inc., 1995.
These creative art and craft ideas reinforce 20 Bible stories for elementary-age children. With at least
three activities for each Bible story, children will remember what they learn.  Group & CBD  &
Amazon Books

Bible Times Crafts for Kids. Neva Hickerson. Gospel Light. ISBN: 0830715967. CBD

Bible-Time CraftsBible-Time Crafts Your Kids Will Love. Helen Turnbull, Jan Kerschner.
Group Publishing Inc., 1998. Group & CBD  & Amazon Books.        ISBN: 0764420674
From altars to zithers, each craft has a biblical and historical significance. That means you will
use crafts again and again for dozens of Bible stories. Step by step directions make crafts easy, Bible
background explains how items were used in Bible times, and a wrap-up activity for each craft helps
kids use them at home.

Christian Crafts from Cardboard ContainersChristian Crafts from Cardboard Containers. ISBN: 0866537031. Each
Bible-based art project begins with Scriptures and ends with a unique, creative idea, such as using
cardboard containers to make a Bible-time village, Noah's Ark, a Christmas nativity scene, and an
Easter-cross centerpiece.  CBD

Christian Crafts from Cardboard TubesChristian Crafts from Cardboard TubesChristian Crafts from Cardboard Tubes. Shining Star. 64 pages.
ISBN: 0866537082. Various activities illustrate Bible stories and truths commonly taught to children
at home and church. Each craft includes a materials list and Bible verses. CBD

Christian Crafts from Construction Paper. Shining Star. 64 pages.
ISBN: 0866537074. A scripture passage is listed at the top of each page, and a suggested Bible
story is also included in each lesson. The crafts are simple and easy to do in one sitting, with a
minimum of help from the teacher. All materials and patterns are listed for each craft with
easy-to-follow instructions. CBD

Christian Crafts from Egg Cartons. Shining Star. 64 pages.
ISBN: 0866535748. More than forty Bible-based crafts made from colorful Styrofoam egg cartons.
Includes Noah's Big Boat, Pharaoh's Chariot, David's Sheep, Daniel's Lion, Jonah's Big Fish and
much more. Every craft has a Scripture verse, materials list, step by step instructions and patterns.
For ages 4 - 10. CBD

Christian Crafts from Folded Paper. Shining Star. 64 pages. ISBN: 0866537783
Reproducible pages for ages 4-10. Teach the Bible with paper folding. Variety of paper-folding activities
to go along with familiar Bible lessons, from the creation of the world to the book of Revelation. Projects
range from the very simple to the more challenging, from stand-up manger scene figures for preschoolers
to origami animals for older children. CBD

Christian Crafts from Milk Containers. Shining Star. 64 pages.
ISBN: 1564170071.  28 Bible based craft projects made from a variety of milk containers. Each is
specifically designed to motivate students ages 4-10. The step-by-step directions for each craft project
includes a materials list and appropriate Bible verses for follow-up lessons. CBD

Christian Crafts from Nature's Gifts. Shining Star. 64 pages.
ISBN: 0382304888. An assortment of craft projects designed to illustrate truths from the Old and New
Testaments, from a shell collage to a rock painting to a seed mosaic. For ages 4-10. CBD

Christian Crafts from Paper Bags. Shining Star. 64 pages.
ISBN: 1564170063. Planned with simplicity, frugality, and Bible-based learning in mind. Most crafts here
are constructed from easy-to-find items and paper bags. Ages 4 to 10. Reproducible. CBD

Christian Crafts from Paper PlatesChristian Crafts from Paper Plates. Shining Star. 64 pages. ISBN: 0866534946.
A collection of over 3 dozen Scripture based craft projects, including Autumn projects of pumpkins,
Pilgrim hats and turkeys; Christmas bells, angels, snowmen, and snowflakes for Winter; Easter lilies,
butterflies, and birds for Spring; and balloons, watermelon slices and Mother's Day baskets for
Summer.  CBD

 Christian Crafts from Tissue Paper. Shining Star. 64 pages. ISBN: 0866537589 CBD

Christian Crafts, Paper Bag Puppets. Susan J. Stegenga. Shining Star. 64
pages. ISBN: 0866535527. Especially designed to teach young children Old and New Testament
stories. Reproducible puppet patterns and simple instructions are provided, but the projects also
encourage individual creative expression. Parents, teachers, or children can make these puppets
to tell and act out Bible stories.  CBD

Christian Crafts, Paper Plate Animals. Doug Shipman and Sandi Gronewold.
Shining Star. 64 pages.  ISBN: 0866537325. Animals help children relate to Bible stories because
children relate to animals. Ideas, instructions, and patterns for animals made from paper plates.
Each project has easy, step-by-step directions with helpful diagrams, as well as suggestions for
relating animals to specific Bible stories. For ages 4-10.  CBD

Christian Crafts--Hand-Shaped Art. Shining Star. 64 pages.
ISBN: 0866536299. Each project begins with a child's handprint and ends with a Bible-based art
project such as Noah's Ark, an Angel of God, Praying Hands, a Love Necklace, a Scripture Card
and many more. CBD

Christian Art--Yarn ArtChristian Crafts--Yarn Art. Shining Star. 64 pages. ISBN: 0866537015
Glue, sew, weave and wrap Christian crafts to help make the Bible come alive for your students.
Variety of yarn activities for church and home to illustrate both Old and New Testament stories.
Simple pictures for preschoolers and needlepoint banners for older children, for ages 4-10. CBD

Crafts from Your Favorite Bible Stories. Kathy Ross. Millbrook Press, 64 pages.
 ISBN: 0761312951. Hands-on activities help children remember Bible stories and grasp their
underlying message. With readily available materials, your students can re-create the miracle of the
loaves and fishes, the parting of the Red Sea, Jonah's journey in the big fish . . . and learn about struggle,
triumph, and faith. Includes 27 projects with excellent step-by-step instructions and colorful illustrations.
Ages 5 and up. CBD

Country Crafts for KidsCountry Crafts for Kids. Neva Hickerson. Gospel Light. ISBN: 0830716106
Share the fruit of the Spirit through creative country fun. Dozens of bright and lively homespun crafts that
highlight country living and the fruit of the Spirit.  Crafts make use of economical supplies- most of which
you probably have on hand. And every craft is accompanied by a "Fruitful Life" section with a relevant Bible
verse- meaning that you can teach the Bible as you do crafts. Also Includes: Reproducible Puppets,
Coloring Posters, a Sticker Poster, Awards and Certificates. CBD

Crafts & More for Children's MinistryCrafts 'N' More for Children's Ministry. Karyn Henley. Group Publishing Inc.,
1993. Each of these fun activities draws from key elements in a Bible story. Classes simply do the
activity, then read and discuss the story, each one perfect for Sunday school, vacation Bible school,
children's church, and after-school programs. Group  & Amazon Books

Crayon Creations. Anita Reith Stohs. Concordia Publishing House, 1997.
ISBN: 0570049733. 64 pages. Age Range: 5 to 9. A collection of 50 age-appropriate ideas using
crayons. Includes 23 Old Testament and 27 New Testament crayon projects that encourage creativity in
celebrating God's world. Describes a variety of techniques for working with crayons: "scratch" art,
stenciling, rubbings and combining crayons with other media. And for easy reference, crafts are
arranged in Bible book order and include a materials list and step-by-step instructions. Reproducible
patterns are provided where appropriate. CBD  & Amazon Books

Creative Can-Do CraftsCreative Can-Do Crafts : Boost Kids' Confidence As You Build
Their Faith. Lois Keffer. Group Publishing Inc., 1997. Group & Amazon Books

Kingdom Crafts for Kids: Includes Projects for Children from Preschool to
Sixth Grade - Colorful Projects With a Royal Castle Theme, Reproducible.
Kim Sullivan Fiano. Regal Books. 1999. Amazon Books

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