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Beginners Guide On How To Make Candles
By: Chrystal Holman
Candle making can be a fun activity and it can also be a fun and profitable business. Making candles is not a difficult process but there are a few things that you need to know and a few steps that you need to follow.

You can make candles simply by forming them by hand, or you can use candle molds, or you can use candle making kits.

The beauty about candle making is that you can correct any errors by simply melting down the wax and starting from scratch again.

Make sure that your working area is clean and free of dust, crumbs, and other things that could get stuck in your candle wax and ruin your new candle.

For easy cleanup, cover your working area with newspaper.

When you melt the wax do not walk away; always supervise the melting process. Never use a microwave to melt the wax because it to easily boils the wax instead of melting it.

It can be fun to involve your children with the process, but you have to be very careful and closely supervise them. Small children can be tempted to touch the hot wax and since the wax smells good they might even be tempted to eat it. Never leave the child alone near a wax container.

While the wax is melting also melt your color wax dye. Stand clear while the color wax dye is melting because you do not want to inhale the chemicals that are released during the melting process.

As soon as the wax is fully melted add your color wax dye to the liquid candle wax.

The next step is to pour the wax into your containers. Save a small quantity of wax, you will be using it later in the process.

Should you spill wax on yourself, use cold water to solidify the wax and then remove it. Never try to brush the hot wax from your skin.

Insert the wick and let the candles cool overnight.

The next day you will be using the wax that you saved to fill in any holes that formed in the candle during the cooling down period.

For decorating your candles you could use rubberstamps or stencils to make patterns on the candles.

You can also add flair to your candles by decorating them with flower petals, leaves, or herbs. For this you use a heated spoon to attach the petal or leaf to the candle.

Making your own decorated and/or scented candles is fun when you're doing it and could provide you with hours of joy and relaxation afterwards.