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Nadia Haily was born on March 1st, 1995, she was born on her due date with very little fuss.  This was the last time that anyone ever described anything that Nadia has done with words like on-time, or very little fuss!!!


Nadia started school this last September.  We were not sure how she would do.  She has done extremely well!  She is an eager reader and can sound out and spell just about anything.  Nadia is our climber and the monkey of the family.  We put her in TBall this year with her brother, Matt.  But she is not that interested in the sport.  Not enough action...She loves to ice skate and we plan to let her take lessons this summer.  

Nadia is a very friendly child and seems to make friends easily.  Right now her best-friend is Erin, who lives around the corner.  That makes it nice for visits.


Nadia and grandpa coloring Easter Eggs     Halloween 2000, at Walt Disney WorldEASTER WITH JOCELYN 

NADIA with Brooke and Alyssa (Nisleit side cousins)



                    notes from 1999

Nadia is the sweetest child on earth, unless she is in "one of her moods".  Nadia has recently moved to "The Big Kid's Room at Tri-City Childrens Center.  Her teachers, Trini, Annie and Balwinder must have the patience of the Saints.  They are always telling us how sweet and quiet she is.   Nadia is very excited about starting Kindergarten next September.  She is really learning her numbers and letters.  She is amazing at handwriting.  

Nadia loves riding her bike, playing with pokeman babies and  drawing.  She has gotten better about where she draws and we no longer threaten to take all pens from her. 

Last Christmas, Nadia gave herself a haircut.   She is still growing it back but people no longer mistake her for a boy.  We are still trying to keep sissors from her reach.

Nadia loves Minnie Mouse and Barbie.  Together we have begun a small collection of Barbies and we are trying to collect all of the Disney Princess Dolls and Characters.


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Barbie at 4-1/2

Pumpkin Halloween 1998

Matt in a mask and Nadia

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Nadia at four

Nadia and Jocelyn at Millard Carnival 1999

Snow White 1998

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Sometimes you just gotta sleep