Welcome to The Gates Gazette.I hope to introduce you to my family and show you some of my interests.

This is my other web page entitled "Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families

Hi.My name is Kim and I live in Texas near Houston.I thought I would tell you a little about myself.I have been married to a wonderful man for almost 25 years.His name is Charles.We have 4 beautiful girls.Their names are Melissa age 22,Cindy age19,Nicole age 16 and Caroline age 11.Our oldest daughter has given us a beautiful grandson named Jonathan who was 4 on Aug.5,2001.I have worked for The Kroger Co. for 21 years.My hobby and my love is of course my puter.I am on it more than I sleep.I know that sounds sad but it makes me so happy to converse with my friends I have met all over the world.I love working on my page and have even started pages for other people including my sister Catlovers mom.Oh by the way I also have two sisters.Please come and check back for updates.I am also going to be putting more pics of my grandson in the very near future.

I Am A Proud Member Of:
The Official Phenomenal Women Of The Web Seal
Phenomenal Women Of The Web

Links to other sites on the Web

Parent Soup-A great place for parents

Children Are Worth Saving
My Souper Place-Come meet my Friends

Web Diner Inc. -A great site to learn HTML

E-mail mekgates3@houston.rr.com

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I would like to thank Lady J for the use of this tune"Used to be my Playground".

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