Turkish Angoras in Russia
The Turkish Angoras as breed are known very much for a long time, and the white color is considered traditional. The eyes can be yellow, light-blue or different (yellow and light-blue). It is interesting, that in Turkey unique animals, which are authorized to enter into a mosque, is just the white cats, especially with different eyes (the prophet Iooaiiaa was odd-eyed too). There is other half-legend, that these cats lived in palaces of the Persian shahs (shahs), and, strangely enough, were for napkins for a cleaning of hands after a meal (meal). It looks quite plausible if to take into account unique texture of the Angora coat: silky, thin, gentle and almost without undercoat, that allows the cat to remain clean
only groomed herself.The Turkish Angoras are known in Russia for a long time and named simply as Angora cats. Due to the advanced business relations and existing path " from the Varangians in the Greeks " the first Angoras occurred in Russia in X-XIV centuries.
Later, in XVI-XVIII centuries they were delivered in Russia, as well as in other countries of Europe, as gifts. However, after russian-turkish wars, that is about 200 years back, as trophies the plenty of the Angoras was delivered. At first Angoras were contained in nobility palaces and rich merchant's houses, and then distributed to other estates. The fact is known, that the Angora cats level with Russian Blues entered into catguards of a Winter palace (St.-Petersburg) for protection from mice. Perfect moushunters, truely home cats who are not tending to free life of a street, always have a perfect silk coat and groomed appearance practically without efforts on the part of the owners, Angoras were come on heart to the Russian person by the temperament, grace and fidelity.
Surprisingly, but fact, what exactly in Russia exists one of the best populations of the Angora cats in the world, and just closest to an original type, because the Angora, as breed, were saved here in relative cleanness when in other countries this cleanness have lost. It is explained very simply within almost two centuries the intuitive selection was conducted which very much was helped by a white color. In the total the population with the rigidly fixed tags was derivated. Therefore today by simple selection of the manufacturers it is possible practically at once to receive animals with the type, improved in comparison with the parents.
The Russian Angoras as a whole have a longer wool and a little lot of a undercoat, than turkish, at the expense of two-century accustoming to a climate. As a consequence, at them the magnificent collars and petticoats are frequent, that very much decorates this breed.