university of california at BERKELEY
major/s: geography and international/area studies
studying in the US has been a truly different learning experience
it's been great being quasi-independent (no parents here!) and being in control of what one does, how one does it and all the rest. really glad to have made lots of friends, and met many kinds of people (talk about diversity here!) along the way. PHOTOS ARE ARRANGED WITH MOST RECENT SHOTS ON THE TOP

international spring festival part I: a celebration of different cultures and lots of food! *grins* here's jane (in her indonesian costume! i love it!) and me in my non-descript es/em/es/ei shirt (i love it too!)

dinner at tony roma's on minghao's birthday
check out the spread of food! (especially the BEEEG oriental salad thingy that i ordered!)
and the onion loaf...urgh.
from left to right: edwin, guangliang, daiyou, bday boy, serene, me, zhenchao

feeling really young amongst the oldies who are all graduating this semester =P

two suitemates: amy, me and sonia

spring fest at i-house part II: enjoying the sun and taking a break from fanning too much satay and scooping curry. xiao, me, xinying, serena

seniors' dinner at solano bar & grill
yummy food (the chocolate mousse was shiok!)
mingren, xiaojuan, me, daiyou (above my head), shaun,yoekie, hongkai, xinying

jenny gave us a treat at the spaghetti factory at jack london square. it was really yummilicious! mmm mmmm...check out the cool restaurant atmosphere! good food, funky decor. looking forward to my next meal there! L-R: jenny, mary, me, jane =)

another birthday celebration (this time, it's serene's turn to get old) =P first row (L-R): raymen, daiyou, wilson, serene (the old one!), me and xinying second row (L-R): melvin, mark, yongkuan, leo, jiasui third: frances and khianhao

celebrating xiaojuan's birthday at DAIMO (which was followed by crooning session at the karaoke lounge nearby)from left: carmen, serene, serena, ME!, xiao, xinying, jiasui, kahshin, nicole

standing (L-R): frances and alice 

chinese new year dinner at foster city (combined with the stanfurd singaporeans) here's us against a really oriental backdrop (golden dragon, red curtains) cheesy stuff. front row (L-R): hongkai, chinghway, raymen. standing (L-R): xinying, liwen, melvin, serene, jiasui, nicole, xiaojuan, yours truly

chinese new year (2001) reunion dinner at a restaurant in oakland's chinatown.
good food, lots to talk about and laugh over. it made up (somewhat) for missing reunion dinner in singapore (which might not have boasted such yummy food anyway) *grins*
from left to right (in one fell swoop!)seated (L-R): jane, yongkuan, robby, wilson
the rest of us (this gets tricky) L-R: kat (dark blue top), liwen (light blue top), leo (white top), kat's roommate, khianhao, frances, ilyas (red top, behind), yoekling (standing at the back), kahshin (red top, foreground), raymen (blue top), me!, nicole, serene, jiasui, xinying (dark blue top). taking reference from chinghway in the yellow shirt L-R: hongkai, melvin, xiaojuan, mark, changyue.
a case of quan2jia1fu2. three cheers to the berkeley singaporean year ones!

GURRRRRRL POWER! another picture taken at the reunion dinner
L-R: xiaojuan, nicole, yoekling, ME! serene, jiasui
good food, great company...what else can one ask for?

taken on raymen's birthday at the DUNGEON of bowles
first row (from L-R): frances, serena, xiaojuan, yoekling, suki, ME!, serene
second row (from L-R): jiasui, mark and chinghway
we're all perched on this big BEEEEG cal bear who has been subject to lots of wear-and-tear
(evident from the leaky tummy that's spilling cotton stuffing *grins*)

people at berkeley know how to have fun too! these photos were taken at Great America, which is an adult amusement park filled with the scariest rides (roller coasters!) ever. i think i have taken enough heart-stopping rides to last me a lifetime. first photo: nancy, me, carmen, joey (who thinks i'm the boringest person he has EVER seen) in front of this 360-degree viking ride (i took the ride, i took the ride *beams proudly*)

next photo: nancy, me and joey on the world's largest carousel (or so they claim!). this was the only only ride that was not exhilarating. *grins* it was fun to ride on the pseudo horses though. joey would have chosen a pig (because he figured the pigs on the carousel looked really left out as everyone never chose to rode them) but sadly, he followed the crowd and chose a horse (which of course looks much nicer than the pigs!)

the photo on the right: jane and myself, with the campanile (the landmark clocktower of berkeley) behind. yes, the weather's good enough for skirts and shorts and sandals (california reigns!)
photo on left: jenny, mary, jane and ME (it rhymes...) taken when we were trying to complete our globalization project in jane's room. we got an A+! cool team, great gals....what could be better?

photo on the right: my suitemate, carmen and me. we were checking out the berkley world music festival along telegraph avenue near campus (the banner in the background says berkeley world music festival, so there!)
photo on the left: 6 of us, plus the driver (meaning 7!) were squeezed into this really cool convertible for a ride from berkeley to oakland bowling center. standing from left: getty, nicole, suki, daiyou. that's me in a pink shirt and next to me is serene.

taken outside the powell street BART station before the STOMP! concert.
from left: leo, hongkai, serene, me!, yoekling, jane, yongkuan, daiyou.

me, my suitemates and RA (guess who, it's not difficult)
first row: jehnan; second row: amy, carmen, winnie, kim; third row: kristina, amy, sonia, ME!

photos taken at the taiwan restaurant in berkeley (which serves really tasty chinese food and GOOD rice!) occasion? khianhao's birthday celebration. it was almost full attendance from all freshmen. yay...it was fun having dinner and yakking over chinese tea. i guess i shouldn't waste space naming everyone...fine, i'm just lazy..happy? *grins* but all the same, chinese food just tastes so much better in a foreign land. i miss stir fried vegetables!

taken after our canoeing expedition at east coast. enjoying the sun, sand and sea even before leaving for california. from left: kahshin, katherina, nicole, jiasui, khianhao, getty, chinghway, mark, ME, serene

we DID canoe. here's the evidence, complete with oars, canoes and bright orange lifejackets. that's me on the far right.

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