the photograph album
smiles, laughter, joy, merriment - all captured in a brief second
a million words won't be able to describe the fun and happiness experienced
precious, valuable, not to be forgotten

taken at fisherman's wharf in san francisco

                             peiling, me and yujia in the streets of tokyo    that's kailing and me. no we do not plan to get married to
                                                                                                each other. we've other interests in mind *grins*

ziying, xingzhe (a.k.a apple) and me
i think i was supposed to point to that red bobble, but i missed

zhouyun and me!
waaaah. it's been a long time since i last met her.

neoprints taken at bugis junction: wenqiang, CK, me, ziying
still remember how the guys were commenting that it was like posing for some wedding shot *duh*
last one on the left is just of me and ziying (on another day)

ziying and me
we took the photograph holding the camera *big round of applause please*

taken at college day 2000 (last few days before some of us flew off to the States)
standing (upper): peiting, nicholas
standing (lower): simon, darius, yingning, my sis, me, CK

dinner before we watched crouching tiger/hidden dragon (third time for me!)
seated (clockwise from left): clare, darius, yingning, peiling
standing (from left): loontze, jack, me, CK

this is a REALLY ancient photo (off ruimin's homepage)
taken when i was in primary 5 (11 years old), attending the 4th asian pacific children's convention in fukuoka, japan
lots of these innocent looking kids have grown up to be big shots (and i'm honoured to know them) :)
first row: yuping, kumar, ruimin, hiskandar, cindy
second row: ms. mabel wee, siti, yu-hsien, me!, teckloong, kat, mr sim
the two yellow shirted pple were our japanese guides...really sweet girls.. :)

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