Welcome to my Guestbook!

Zandra - 09/07/00 06:54:14
My URL:http://tarazandra.com
My Email:zandra@tarazandra.com
How did you find me?: guestbook surfing

A very nice site. I enjoyed my visit.

Diva Lady Red - 09/03/00 11:08:02
My URL:http://www7.50megs.com/penneysplace
My Email:platinum_blonde@usa.net
How did you find me?: From a friend

Welcome new Diva! We are so glad you have joined us. I am sure you will enjoy being a member of the group!

Diva FushiaKitty - 08/31/00 00:30:38
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/m_enstrom1
My Email:enstrom1@msn.com
How did you find me?: Divine Diva Welcoming Committee

Welcome To The Divine Divas

Diva Grace - 08/30/00 23:48:38
My URL:http://www.divinediva.org
My Email:john.amber@ns.sympatico.ca


Welcome to Divine Divas!
If ever you have any questions,
please feel free to contact me anytime.
It's great to have you with us!

Diva Lynn(Diva Jubilees) - 08/29/00 16:43:28
My URL:http://www.lynngraphics.com
My Email:lynn@lynngraphics.com
How did you find me?: Divine Divas

Welcome New Diva from the Divine Diva Jubilees Birthday/Anniversary Committee. We are so please to have you join the Divine Divas of the Web. What a great site you have here. Hugs Diva Lynn

Priscilla - 08/29/00 15:42:27
My URL:http://pages.ivillage.com/misc/peaches_n_creme/index.html
My Email:almm10651@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: Divine Divas

Welcome to Divine Divas!!

Diva Katia (Welcoming Committee) - 08/29/00 14:04:43
My Email:nearyou@ig.com.br
How did you find me?: Divine Divas

Welcome to Divine Divas!!!!!! Your website is wonderful!!!!

Mona - 08/28/00 19:54:02
My URL:http://www.hppd.net/monascloset
My Email:monascloset@netscape.net
How did you find me?: Divine Diva's


Dear New Divine Diva,
I wanted to welcome you to the Divine Diva's of the Web. We are a fast-growing and wonderful group of ladies.. I love our diversity~!~ We all have something to say, and we re using our voices! So glad that you joined!! Hope you enjoy the ring as much as I have!!
"Diva Refuge"

Diva Betty - 08/28/00 04:51:29
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/bginlisa/loved.html
My Email:bginlisa@netzero.net
How did you find me?: Devine Divas Welcoming Committee

~*~*~*Welcome to Devine Diva of the Web*~*~*~ I am sure that you will enjoy being a part of this wonderful group. I am also fairly new, but if I can be of any help please feel free to email me. Hugs, Betty

Diva Pam - 08/28/00 00:39:44
My URL:http://homepages.go.com/~pb1960
My Email:girlie36@yahoo.com
How did you find me?: Divine Diva Welcoming Committee

Hi..just stopped by for a visit and to welcome you to the Divine Divas. You have a great site :o)

Diva Susie - 08/27/00 03:55:26
My URL:http://starryskyes.tripod.com
My Email:starry@stny.rr.com

Great website! Loved it!! Welcome to the Divine Divas!! I am sure you will enjoy being part of this caring group of women as much as I have! *Hugs* Diva Susie

Diva Laurie - 08/26/00 20:09:43
My URL:http://www.laurie.therapids.net/index1.html
My Email:lduff@mindspring.com
How did you find me?: Divine Diva Welcoming, Support and Anniversary/Birthday Committees

Welcome to the Divine Divas group I know you will love these ladies just as much as I do..If you need anything just let us know and we'll do what ever we can for you...Dream of the Angels and will the dreams come true..Hugs, Diva Laurie

Diva Lil Bit (Deb) - 08/26/00 02:29:38
My URL:http;//members.tripod.com/rockydeb/index.html
My Email:deb72@cableone.net
How did you find me?: Divine Diva Welcoming Committee


HI!! Welcome to the Divine Divas!!
I hope you enjoy being a part of
this group as much as I do!!

Diva Miriam Melissa - 08/25/00 23:19:47
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/mairon_the_1
My Email:netgirl3000@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: Divine Divas Welcoming Committee

Welcome New Diva Sister Cocoa!!! What a gorgeous site you have:-) I love it with all my heart. I would like to welcome you to the Divine Divas. I have only been a member for couple of weeks, but found my welcoming so heartwarming, that I thought it would be nice to passing my welcome on to ohers!!! Divine Divas is a caring group. If you need anything, just email me or the other Divas. We would be more than happy to help you.

Motto "Happiness is not having what you want. It's wanting what you have."

Click here to enter my homepage

Diva Debi - 08/25/00 14:49:18
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/Debi6/debi6.htm
How did you find me?: Divine Diva Welcoming Committee

I wanted to stop by and welcome you to Devine Diva of the Web. I am sure that you will enjoy being a part of this wonderful group.

Diva Emilly - 08/25/00 04:34:13
My URL:http://emillia.org/
My Email:emillia@videotron.ca


On behalf of the Welcoming Committee I'd like to welcome you to Divine Diva! This is a wonderful group of ladies, and I hope you enjoy being a part of this group as much as I do. Your site is beautiful!! I enjoyed visiting , and will be back to surf some more *S*.Please come by my Diva page and pick up your special gift.
Hugs, Diva Emilly

Diva Amariage - 07/17/00 01:54:39
My URL:http://www.divinediva.org
My Email:whisper@divinediva.org,divinity@divinediva.org
How did you find me?: web ring

Hi! I enjoyed my visit here so much, I would like to invite you to visit our website, Divine Divas of the Web. Feel free to write us with any questions you might have, and perhaps even apply for membership into our rganization. Once accepted, you will be notified via e-mail of your acceptance, you will receive a personalized membership logo to place on your website.
From Earth's farthest reaches, Forged from Diversity, Finding solace together, We stand as One.

Divine Diva of the Web does not discriminate against persons of any Race, Religion, Beliefs, or Creed. We welcome the diversity!!!

A_Kiss - 07/04/99 13:08:05
My Email:
How did you find me?: UH

Hey Cocoa (a.k.a. badcocoa - hehehehe) Gurl, thanx for invitin me to your page. I am really interested in finding out who my ancestors are. You've given me inspiration to start my search. Nice page! and YES i did look at that OTHA entry *laff*. Take it ez, A_Kiss

ARVERN Productions - 07/04/99 03:27:41
My Email:ajax4bdsm@mailcity.com
How did you find me?: by you my dear


charlie - 06/30/99 07:42:35
How did you find me?: telepathy

i love Your page! And i would indeed like to be one with You! So when are You going to expand it?

LeeMan - 06/16/99 19:15:55
My Email:randye@burgoyne.com
How did you find me?: you told me

Very nice page

Billy Hone - 04/20/99 15:00:18


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