Community Service

Anchorage Quotarians

... organized the collection of used cellular telephones as part of the national Donate a Phone program and collected over 4000 used cellular and wireless phones. an annual for a deserving Alaskan deaf student or a hearing student who plans to work with the deaf.

..... were instrumental in the selling of bricks for The Town Square, adjacent to the Performing Arts Center in downtown Anchorage. In 1997, Quotarians conducted tours of the Town Square flower beds.

..... have collected school supplies for the children who are being sheltered by AWAIC the Alaska State School for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

...are raising funds to sponsor a hearing dog through the "Dogs for the Deaf" program

...participate in International Noise Awareness Day. In 1997 we distributed more than 1200 sets of ear plugs at an Anchorage ACES Professional Hockey game at the Sullivan Arena

....offer hearing health materials in an on-going healthy life styles program in conjunction with local Health Fairs.

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Quota International of Anchorage

Updated Saturday, March 2, 2002

©Quota International of Anchorage, 1998-2002
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