- Art Wallpaper -
The image Below are paintings of the Louvre Museum collections. These famous works were by include Gaugain, Monet, Piccaso, Leonardo da Vinci, and other more artists.
Click on any of these images icon to enlarge the graphic.

 640 * 480

 640 * 480

 800 * 600

 640 * 480

 800 * 600

 800 * 600

- 藝術桌布 -
上方圖片是 - 法國羅浮宮 - 收藏的著名畫作, 包括了, 高更, 莫內, 比卡索,
達文西 等以及其他知名畫家的作品.
按一下縮圖可看到原尺寸圖片, 想要哪張桌布就在圖片上按滑鼠右鍵 --
選擇 "另存圖片" 就行了 !