Once upon a time, two vivacious fibromaniacs set forth on a hilarious journey to the Philly Zoo. One was the camel lady and the other was about to become the jannygoat. Not wanting to let her friend go home without a memento, the camel lady set off to find a place to buy a zoo key. The other, spotting the petting zoo, decided she would rather go there. After buying the key, the camel lady began walking toward the petting zoo and took a trip of a different type. As she lay on the ground in pain, she attempted to get the attention of Janny, who was busily petting and talking to a goat and could not hear the yells. Hence, the name jannygoat.

But the saga continues. Eventually, jannygoat acknowledged the camel lady's cries for help and springs to the rescue. With the help of zoo employees, an ambulance was called to transport the camel lady to the hospital. But there remained a slight problem. The camel lady's car would be needed to return home later that day, and jannygoat was totally unfamiliar with the area. Paramedics to the rescue (I just love a man in uniform)!!!!! Jannygoat was to closely follow the ambulance to the hospital. Jannygoat and Suzie made it without a scratch.

I should have known something was up when EZ informed me we were going to Intercourse!! So, we hop into Suzie, stop for gas on the way, lock ourselves out of the car, crawl around under the car to find the spare key, get the gas station attendant to help us, and then off we went. When we arrived at our destination, EZ took me straight to my blind date. With a bit of oil, I was able to make it work!!

Fibrobuddy homepages

phenomenal women
Fibrobuddy Doni campers page
Fibrobuddy Doni homepage
Fibrobuddy Lauren dedication page
The check's in the mail Lauren
Fibrobuddy Eileen (EZ) family page
Fibrobuddy Sheila family page
Fibrobuddy Cazzy from merry olde England
Fibrobuddy Margaret's communication page
Fibrobuddy Michelle's rose
Fibrobuddy Brenn's butterfly page
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