Why a Rescue - by Esther Ryan
These are the throwaways--ones neglected, abused, lost or "just didn't
work out".
I see these as ones that had the where with all to survive. When they accept a hand for a
lick or take a fearful step toward you-their first move of trust- how it makes one's heart
sing! They are indeed the strong of heart--trying to trust and love again. These dogs have
experienced so much but are willing to try again.
I work with severely physically and sexually abused and neglected children--11, 12,
&13 year olds. (Let's hear it for puberty!) They too have been damaged and will carry
emotional scars, if not physical ones with them. They too try to learn faith in others,
just as these little rescues do.
Man's inhumanity to persons and beasts is amazing-- as well as man's and beast's ability
to survive and often forgive. Don't get me wrong. I am not saying a rescue is for
everyone . They take patience and lots of work to earn their trust and devotion.
Sorry to soap box but watching these 4 little foster rescues romp and run in the
sun--learning about toys and treats --is such a joyful sight.
Bless you for adopting, rescuing, and fostering!
© Esther Ryan 2/7/98 used by permission