This document is Copyright (c) 1995, by Derek J. Wojciech. It is intended for public use, and may be redistributed freely in its original form.
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The purpose of this 'FAQ' (Frequently Asked Questions) was to group together various questions/comments/experiences on the benefits of virginity (i.e. abstinence until marriage.) I felt there was a need to express and record the many virtues of this lifestyle, and make some type of document widely available to those seeking answers, advice, guidance and encouragement. I hope those reading this 'FAQ' will seriously consider all the consequences and responsibilities ** both good :-) and bad :-( ** relating to relationships and sexual conduct.
Currently most of the Questions/Answers in this 'FAQ' are indirect translations of discussions on the subject matter as held on ISCABBS. All the arguments/recommendations presented in the Answer sections reflect my own opinion (unless otherwise noted.) I may tend to have a 'first person male' viewpoint in some discussions. This document has a 'loose' feel to it as it attempts to echo casual conversation.
Please note:
- The arguments presented contain a good amount of what can be considered 'subjective' advice and opinion.
- This document discusses some adult-oriented topics.
- This 'FAQ' is not intended as a flame to anyone. It is simply a discourse of what I believe are some very good rational arguments for virginity and sexual abstinence.
- There have been no religious arguments used (unless otherwise noted.)
This 'FAQ' definitely has growth potential. Many specifics need to be touched upon and expounded. However, I believe the 'FAQ' useful in that most of the 'main' questions (at least the ones I've encountered on a regular basis) regarding sexual conduct, virginity, abstinence, relationships and marriage are dealt with. I would appreciate any comments, recommendations or articles/sources/personal testimonies for possible inclusion into this 'FAQ'. I will respect any person wishing to remain anonymous regarding their contributions.
Please leave all discussion/disagreements of subjective material to a public forum such as Usenet or a BBS.
* If you are in need of pregnancy testing, help or counseling, please call the Birthright Toll-free Hotline at 1 800 848 LOVE
other toll-free numbers:
* US Venereal Disease Hotline 1 800 227 8922 *
* AIDS National Hotline 1 800 342 AIDS *
Many thanks to all those who contributed!!!!!! :)
'Why would someone wait until marriage to have sex? What benefit is there? Why is virginity a special gift?'
I'm a virgin, and waiting to share that special gift of human sexuality with that one person I will commit the rest of my life to in marriage (when and if :) A strong foundational supports of a marriage is intended to be the exclusive physical/emotional bond of sexual union. One of the most beautiful ways I think of saving myself for my future wife is looking at it this way: I'm going to love her SOOOO much that right now, as I go through life (even though I don't know for sure who it is I may marry :) I am saving this GIFT.
And I want to give this GIFT only to her, a one of a kind, the most precious person I will ever meet. And she DESERVES it. That gift I will have hopefully kept to show her that she is something REALLY, REALLY SPECIAL. And you know what, I know she will appreciate that with her whole heart. In today's society it's a rare and unique person who wishes to save that gift of sexual union for his/her lifetime marriage partner. I would encourage anyone questioning, feeling the peer pressure, the societal pressure, the boyfriend/girlfriend pressure, to wait until you both enter that lifetime covenant with each other. What could be more exciting, more special, more emotional than sharing the
wonders of sex with your one true and dedicated love!?! Think about it. Think about the future. Think about your future wife or husband. Don't they deserve your absolute best? It's something that you will remember forever, and what better way to experience it than in a relationship lasting a lifetime. :)
'How does one prepare oneself to lose their virginity? And what can you do to get over being *really* nervous about your first time?'
Two inter-related questions, dealing with 'losing it.' *Uggh*. What a horrible term. 'Losing it.' Often popular culture today says 'Go for it, lose your virginity, you're not a man until you do.' 'Make that conquest.' That's what it is generally held up to be in today's society. A conquest. A hurdle. *Uggh*. How many women here would like to volunteer to be a simple obstacle? I know I'm simplifying things, but anyone with such an attitude and wanting to/did take advantage of some young lady, in the name of conquest, how utterly LAME can you get???
Anyway back to the subject. I look at virginity as a gift, to be honorably saved for that one person you decide to spend your lifetime with (i.e. marriage partner.) The greatest emotional/physical treasure a person can GIVE. You don't take it. You don't lose it. You give it. Isn't that what true love is about? So how does one prepare oneself? By making that commitment. Realizing she is sooooooo special that she deserves your ALL. That's your total love, dedication, commitment. Not cheapened, but in a lifetime covenant. Under this context what's the reason for being nervous? Should sharing sex with your husband or wife make you nervous? (of course there's slight nervousness in all new things, but in marriage there is that security of freedom in commitment where a couple can share their unbridled love as it is the ALL of relationships. :) Now of course we look at stuff that would make anyone nervous in a premarital sexual encounter. You've heard it all. Pregnancy, AIDS, STDs, broken relationships, guilt, hurt partners etc...
*** qUoTeS ***
"It is a melancholy fact that [the STD was herpes in this article's case (but HIV/AIDS or other STD would substitute)] has rekindled old fears. But perhaps not so unhappily, it may be a prime mover in helping to bring to a close an era of mindless promiscuity. The monogamous now have one more reason to remain so. For all the distress it has brought, the troublesome little bug may inadvertently be ushering in a period in which sex is linked more firmly to commitment and trust." (Time Magazine) #1
'My boyfriend and I have been going out for awhile, and there is more pressure to have sex. He says it will strengthen our relationship and draw us closer. I have my reservations. I'm not sure what to do???'
Let's define what sex is not: sex is not love. Let's define what sex is: sex is an expression of love.
What's the one thing that most people are looking for in a relationship? Intimacy.
A recent survey of 300 women ages 18-60 found that women of all ages want men with whom they can be close. 'They want intimacy, which is more than just love and sex.' #2 'Most women interviewed enjoyed hugging, kissing, cuddling, closeness and conversation as much as intercourse. Overall, intimacy was more important than orgasm.' #3 According to a popular female teen magazine, most girls opt for affection over sex. 'Nearly two-thirds feel strongly that affection is much more important than sex in a relationship and another 29% agree somewhat. In fact only 1.1% assert that sex is more important.' #4
Intimacy. Someone to talk to. To care for. To be close to. A person who gives generously. A person who receives generously. It's the assurance that you can turn to another; whenever, wherever, and for whatever reason. But does sex create intimacy? No. Sexual activity can inspire a 'sense' of intimacy during it's duration. But this 'sense' fades quite quickly when there is no substance to back it up.
Intimacy develops with openness. Communication. Truly revealing your innermost thoughts and desires to another. This means laying your emotions on the line; becoming vulnerable. Increasing physical involvement to gain intimacy just doesn't cut it. 'People who discover this often fail to recognize what is happening, and instead of giving up the futile search for intimacy in bed, they intensify it. Time after time they achieve a type of
closeness, and then watch it quickly fade. If this cycle is not broken, they will become numb to the idea of finding true intimacy. They settle for the cheap substitute.' #5 The emotional and psychological bond necessary for intimacy can only be found in the sharing of time, thoughts, and emotions with one another. In a completely open and transparent framework. This then sets up the relationship for emotional expression through physical means.
We all want a successful relationship. Where does sex fit in? An article in 'Psychology Today' noted that sex was 'far down the list of reasons for a happy marriage.' #6 Less than 10% of the individuals with successful marriages thought good sexual relationships were important in keeping their marriage together. Research data revealed, in this study of some 300 couples married more than fifteen years, that sex is not the key to a happy, fulfilled marriage. #6
What is the key? The top two reasons given by both sexes as to why their marriage kept going were the same: #6
1) My spouse is my best friend.
2) I like my spouse as a person.
Sex is intended to be an expression of intimacy and closeness that already exists within a couple. It's a sharing of one's most precious and wonderful physical gifts with the person with whom they have previously experienced intimacy through words, actions, and commitment. And this commitment is fulfilled in a monogamous marital state. Words are just that, words. There is no solid guarantee. Commitment must be realized through action. True love deserves true commitment. The wondrous gift of sex deserves only the highest level of commitment possible, marriage.
Guy(or girl): 'If you love me, then you'll have sex with me.'
Girl(or guy): (possible responses) #5
'If you love me, you'll respect my feelings and not push me into doing something I'm not ready for.'
'Having sex doesn't prove you're in love. I have too much self-respect to get sexually involved before it's right. I've decided to wait.'
'OK, prove how much you love me by understanding and respecting my feelings.'
'Love or no love, any way you slice it, it can result in a baby and that does matter.'
'I love you. But I'd feel better showing you in another way.'
'Can't sex be purely physical, without the emotional and psychological after-effects, or 'baggage'?'
Resulting psychological impact can be assumed about a sexual encounter because sex is a choice. And when a choice is involved, so is mind, will and emotion. It's the nature of humanity. When we choose, we always ask why, and weigh the consequences. And in a consensual act such as sex there are two involved. Just by telling her/him you want to have sex is a choice. You are already affecting another person's mind, will and emotions. Now you may have an argument for sex between animals, for theirs is strictly instinct. We choose WHY we have sex. Whether to give to a person, or take from them. Whether to please them, or please ourselves. Or somewhere in between. If you had no choice in the matter, then it has no psychological content. But you do. You and your partner feel pleasure, pain, love, hate, anxiety, indifference etc. And 'baggage' always results. It can be good feelings. It can be bad feelings. Because you REMEMBER what happened. No longer is the physical there, but the memory remains to be dwelt upon by your mind, will and emotions.
*** qUoTeS ***
"There is no possibility of having sexual intercourse without meshing a part of your non-physical self. Sex is such a definite experience that a part of each of you remains forever a part of the other. How many times and how casually are you willing to invest a portion of your total self and accept such an investment from another person, with no assurance that the investment is for keeps?" #7
"True sexual freedom provides the option of saying no to these consequences [of sexual relations.] It says, 'We are human beings with procreative powers capable of mature love and rational choice. Our free will provides us with self-control and self-respect.'" #8
'What do you mean by 'sex was meant to be given in marriage?' What is 'good and proper' in a given situation? Are there any rules, any morals regarding one's conduct in a relationship?
These phrases are based on a ideological framework. However, not necessarily religious, or it may co-exist as a rational and logical framework with moral principles. But doesn't there exist that which is generally known as 'natural law?' Or a moral code by which human beings follow? Of course a person of a particular belief system may refer to the author of this moral code as God, or the goddess, or whatever. So do you agree to the existence of at least a general 'moral' norm? One that describes what 'is meant to be?' Is racism 'meant to be' acceptable, or not acceptable? What prevents me from making my own 'relative' moral code, and say that I can be and act racist? By what basis are you telling me I am 'wrong.' Or why should I not lie to you, or steal from you? If morality is always relative to the individual, then I should be able to do these things without guilt, shame, or remorse. So there exist 'good and proper' conducts; there exist things 'meant to be.' And this directly applies to relationships. Should not trust, honesty, and fidelity all be fundamentals in a relationship? And when one of the aforementioned qualities is betrayed, cannot we accuse the perpetrator of wrongdoing? As for sex being 'meant to be given in marriage.' Marriage, by definition, is an institution. So there are inherent characteristics to this institution; what is allowed, what is desired, what is meant to be etc. that emerge from the nature of the lifetime covenant. Love, sharing, dedication, giving, monogamy, and fidelity are just a few examples. A line between 'right and wrong' can be drawn based on these innate aspects.
'I personally believe that sex is inherently good. I also believe that love is no more noble than sex than sleeping is more noble than eating. And that sex is a legitimate human need.'
I personally believe sex is inherently good! But inherently good sex is debased when used in an improper context. Are you saying love is NOT more noble and essential in a relationship than sex????? The fascinating mystery of love. Where a man and woman come together in affection, giving and receiving. To become one; in mind, body and spirit. That queesy feeling you get when you are near to your loved one. That cloud nine bliss. You compare that to a simply physical action? Sex, minus any emotion or feeling (which is impossible; but commonly masked off as prostitution) is on a level with love?
Come on. I doubt ANYONE here would equate those two things. And sex (or what is typically thought of as sex between two persons) is a DESIRE. No one NEEDS sex.
'I would be proud to say I was a virgin. Especially to women. Females are more reluctant to have sex with a guy who she knows has slept around than a guy to a girl who has ... All you male virgins out there need to speak up, because you're the smarter ones who decided to wait for the right person.'
Thanx for making a few great points. I don't know why people would be ashamed of something traditionally held in high esteem? But society has made some about-face turns regarding moral norms in the last few decades. It's interesting to hear you say that females are more reluctant than guys to have sex with a promiscuous person. I'm not sure what that statistic says but why should a man's virginity/non-virginity have greater/lesser value than that of a woman's?????
'I went out with this girl who had a hangup about virginity. It was really annoying when it should have been fun, knowing that there is no way she'd go any further. I mean don't they ever have lust or something?'
I'm glad you met a young woman who had strong beliefs and stood by her convictions. Do they lust? Of course, I would say we all do. That does not mean one wishes to continue in lustful thoughts. And the huge error comes when one acts upon wrongful desires. And I hold in high esteem a young lady (or man) who would 'refuse' sex based on beliefs, evidences and possible consequences.
'I believe you shouldn't sleep with someone if you can't respect them and their beliefs.'
Excellent point. If you are acting contrary to their beliefs, you don't respect them and you are taking advantage of them. Can we say 'rape', both emotionally and physically.
'My marriage partner will understand that I didn't wait for her/him.'
Think about the future. Think about the most amazing woman/man you will have ever met. Falling in deep love with her/him. Eventually committing your life to her/him. Isn't it worth waiting and making the commitment now to honor your future wife/husband with your whole heart, mind and body?
'What about a person who has lost their virginity. Can it be 'regained'?'
Physically no. Memories also remain. But I believe in what I call 'neo-virginity.' It's the mental change, the redirection of the heart of a person in vowing to live a life of abstinence until marriage. I don't believe in holding a person's past against them. But they are accountable for the present.
*** lyrical interlude ***
She walks with class and she walks with style
She's only sixteen years old
Turns the head of every boy in school
Their hearts have been bought and sold
Popularity is hers for a price
Sometimes the price is hard to pay
Doin the things it takes to please the crowd
Knowing all the right things to say
Angela, such a pretty girl lost to the world
Angela, you're naive, young, tell me where does your heart belong Angela...
The social games have really gone too far
Mama just can't understand
High fashion girl has got a standard to meet
Ego has the upper hand
In her heart she's walked the way many times
Maybe she just don't understand
It's a matter of the heart, not the show
And freedom is her heart's demand
When you want to make a change, and feel it in your life
You know your heart will have to rearrange...
*** "Angela" by Legend ***
'What about those 'stories' a married couple tells each other about their previous sexual partners? Can't they be a little unsettling? Then you may meet the people and say 'You slept with him/her?!?!''
Another excellent point. Think of how degrading it would be to be in the above situation? How can sex be a 'gauge' pointing to the level of commitment? How can one say that a guy/girl cares about you more (due to your sexual relations) than the person they had sex with before? If they were having sex 'just for fun,' why not then would they be having sex with you 'just for fun?' Or how about a person thinking of the time they had sex before, and making comparisons? Oh it may not be intentional, but its an after the fact fact. Sex is a powerful and memorable emotional experience. What if they felt their previous partner was 'better' in bed??? Could that affect your current relationship????
*** qUoTeS ***
"Due to the instant sex of the sexual revolution, people perform rather than make love. Many women can't achieve a sense of intimacy, and their anxiety about how well they perform blocks their chances for honest arousal. Without genuine involvement, they haven't much chance for courtship, romance or love. They're left feeling cheated and burned out."
(Debora Phillips, author of 'Sexual Confidence' and director of the Princeton Center for Behavior Therapy.) #9
'One question that has perplexed me is what if both partners who wait until they are married to have sex not know what to 'do?' And what if they are 'sexually incompatible?''
Not know what to do??? Seems pretty evident that the methods involved in a man and women becoming physically intimate is quite innate to the human species. :)
Regarding the 'sexually incompatible' myth. It does not exist for a couple who has the proper priorities in a relationship. If you are in love with a person should a presumed sexual inconvenience ruin that love??? Here's the example I like to give. Suppose after two years of marriage, and wonderful sex, your loved one (a man) loses his genitals in a freak accident. So are you saying that would be grounds to ditch the guy??? That situation sounds pretty sexually incompatible to me. But there are no possible arguments that a fulfilling and wonderful relationship could not and should not continue. Note that I'm not saying every couple will have a 'perfect' sex life in marriage. But with openness, communication, and sharing the couple can enjoy a totally gratifying and enjoyable sexual relationship. :)
'Aren't some people more 'sexually compatible' with others?'
How do we 'gauge' compatibility? Isn't there always going to be someone who is a little 'prettier', a little 'sexier', a little better kisser according to some opinions? Such a pursuit theoretically can never end. Your current sexual partner is always 2nd, or 5th, 25th, or nth best. Such an outlook could be taken to physical appearance. A woman walks by who is prettier, so you dump your current partner because this new female's 'looks' are more compatible with your desires. This is an extreme example of what such viewpoints could imply. The incompatibility problem doesn't even exist when one has only one sexual partner, as comparisons cannot be made. I definitely think that 'attraction' and 'compatibility' are concerns, but they should be relegated to a proper priority. The concept of 'better sexual compatibility' undermines what true love and lasting relationships are all about.
*** qUoTeS ***
"No one knows what effect sex, precociously experienced, will have on the immature mind. Sex experience before confidentiality, empathy, and trust have been established can hinder and may destroy the possibility of a solid, permanent relationship."
(Dr. Mary Calderone) #10
'OK, so marriage is the perfect state for sexual expression. But what if my future wife/husband doesn't enjoy sex?'
Can you name any significant percentage of persons (excluding problematic circumstances) who do not enjoy sexual fulfillment? I think most everyone looks forward to this expression of love. A good relationship exhibits growth. Exploring the different facets of each other's personality and character. Building trust. Gaining intimacy. Sexual fulfillment is just a part of a couple's sharing. A husband and wife have attained the degree of intimacy and commitment where they then can now express their love sexually. In openness. In assurance. In confidence. In security. Without fear. Without shame. What better way to discover and explore this wonderful territory than starting off TOGETHER! Dedicated fully to helping, pleasing, and serving each other in the exclusive lifetime commitment of marriage.
'I firmly believe in "try before you buy".'
Ok. Try before you buy. Taking this position then you are saying that a main priority in your decision to accept a woman in a relationship is sexual. So if she doesn't live up to your expectations then you dump her? Would any females reading this go for the above? That a male would judge you and accept or reject you based on your sexual prowess, or how you rate against the sexual ability of other women? EXTREMELY shallow.
What about comparison? How do you judge a woman as to her sexual capability? If this is the only woman you ever had sex with, and the experience was quite fulfilling, then how could you honestly judge that she is not 'good enough.' You can't because there is no one else to compare with. Unless you have had previous sexual partners. Then you can 'rate' her performance in bed...'..I give this one a 6.7...'...*uggghhhhh*...
Also 'try before you buy' -- remember STDs, pregnancy, consequences etc.
*** qUoTeS ***
"Studies show that a relationship based on physical attraction may hold itself together for three to five years. During that length of time two people are fooled into thinking, "Well, we've been going together for so long, surely we can make it for a lifetime. This must be love." On the other side of marriage, they wake up to see they had little in common and no basis for a quality relationship." #7
*** lyrical interlude ***
Babe, you whisper in my ear
Things I shouldn't hear
Oh girl, this time you've gone too far
It's like a falling star
You're givin' yourself away
Too much a price to pay
Girl, temptation's all around
Our love has fallen down
Oh, baby, the passions of design
Our love is on the line
Affections have been misplaced
The scars we cannot erase
Lies in the dark
Words of love but they're tearing us apart
Lies in the dark
Baby, it's true
*** "Lies in the Dark" by Bloodgood ***
'What about all the cases regarding STDs (sexually transmitted diseases), HIV, AIDS etc? How can I be safe, for sure?'
- The federal Centers for Disease Control estimate that there are now 1 million HIV cases nationwide. #11
- The rate of heterosexual HIV transmission has increased 44% since Sept 1989. #12
- Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) infect 3 million teenagers annually. #13
- 63% of all STD cases occur among persons less than 25 years of age. #13
- 1 million new cases of pelvic inflammatory disease occur annually. #11
- 1.3 million new cases of gonorrhea occur annually. #13
- Syphilis is at a 40 year high, with 134,000 new infections per year. #13
- 500,000 new cases of herpes occur annually. #13
- It is estimated that 16.4% of the US population ages 15-74 is infected with herpes, totaling more than 25 million Americans - among certain groups, the infection rate is as high as 60%. #14
- 4 million cases of chlamydia occur annually; #13 10-30% of 15-19 year olds are infected. #15
- There are now 24 million cases of human papilloma virus (HPV), with a higher prevalence among teens. #16
There's only one safe way to remain healthy in the midst of a sexual revolution. It is to abstain from intercourse until marriage, and then wed and be faithful to an uninfected partner. It is a concept that was widely endorsed in society until the 1960s (and look what's happened since then..........)
'What are the statistics as to real-life (typical) pregnancy rates for those couples who use a condom in an attempt to prevent pregnancy? Other cases?'
Use of condoms has typically failed at least 15.7% of the time annually in preventing pregnancy. #17 They fail 36.3% of the time annually in preventing pregnancy among young, unmarried minority women. #17 In a study of homosexual men, the British Medical Journal reported the failure rate due to slippage and breakage to be 26%. #18 Remember a woman can conceive only a few days per month. Think of how much more risk is involved with a disease that can be transmitted 365 days a year.
'What do the experts think about HIV and condoms?'
At the National Conference on HIV in 1991 some 800 sexologists were asked to raise their hand if they would trust a condom to protect them during intercourse with a known HIV-infected person. Not one of them did. #19
'So why are government institutions, private agencies and schools promoting condoms and other contraceptive use in preventing pregnancy and disease?'
Darn good question!!! We've already shown the stats on disease and pregnancy. Since 1970 the federal government has spent nearly $3 billion to promote contraception and 'safe sex.' This year alone, $450 million of your tax dollars will go down that drain. #20 (Compared to less than $8 million for abstinence programs.) After 22 years and nearly $3 billion, some 58% of teenage girls under 18 still did not use contraception during their first intercourse. #21 Furthermore, teenagers tend to keep having unprotected intercourse for a full year, on average, before starting any kind of contraception. #22
*** qUoTeS ***
"Condom distribution sanctions, even encourages, sexual activity, which in teen years tends to be promiscuous and relegates to secondary status the most important lesson to be taught: abstinence. An analysis of the entire condom distribution logic also provides a glimpse into just what is wrong with public education today."
"Advocates of condom distribution say that kids are going to have sex, that try as we might we can't stop them. Therefore they need protection. Hence, condoms. Well, hold on a minute. Just whose notion is it that 'kids are going to do it anyway, you can't stop them?' Why limit the application of that brilliant logic to sexual activity? Let's just admit that kids are going to do drugs and distribute safe, untainted drugs every morning in homeroom. Kids are going to smoke, too, we can't stop them, so let's provide packs of low-tar cigarettes to the students for their after-sex smoke. Kids are going to get guns and shoot them, you can't stop them, so let's make sure that teachers have bulletproof vests. I mean, come on! If we are really concerned about safe sex, why stop at condoms? Let's convert study halls to Safe Sex Centers where students can go to actually have sex on nice double beds with clean sheets under the watchful and approving eye of the school nurse, who will be on hand to demonstrate, along with the principal, just how to use a condom. Or even better: If kids are going to have sex, let's put disease-free hookers in these Safe Sex Centers. Hey, if safe sex is the objective, why compromise our
"Well, here's what's wrong. There have always been consequences to having sex. Always. Now, however, some of these consequences are severe: debilitating venereal diseases and AIDS. You can now die from having sex. It is that simple. If you look, the vast majority of adults in America have made adjustments in their sexual behavior in order to protect themselves from some of the dire consequences floating around out there. For the most part, the sexual revolution of the sixties is over, a miserable failure. Free love and rampant one-night stands are tougher to come by because people are aware of the risks. In short, we have modified our behavior. Now, would someone tell me what is so difficult about sharing this knowledge and experience with kids? The same stakes are involved. Isn't that our responsibility, for crying out loud, to teach them what's best for them? If we adults aren't responding to these new dangers by having condom-protected sex anytime, anywhere, why should such folly be taught to our kids?"
"Doesn't it make sense to be honest with kids and tell them the best thing they can do to avoid AIDS or any of the other undesirable consequences is to abstain from sexual intercourse? It is the best way - in fact, is it the only surefire way - to guard against sexual transmission of AIDS, pregnancy, and venereal diseases. What's so terrible about saying so?"
('The Epitome of Morality and Virtue' a.k.a. Rush Limbaugh) #23
'So far I haven't encountered any problems with STD's, pregnancy, etc.'
Well statistics point to the fact that things/accidents happen. But you know full well that EVERY TIME you have sex there is risk/possible consequences involved. And is a few hours of pleasure worth a lifetime of pain, or even death??????
'What if I take careful precautions before I have sex, can't I avoid her becoming pregnant?'
Even IF (and that's a HUGE if; real-life statistics show otherwise) all contraceptives worked 99% of the time, would you take that chance of getting your partner pregnant, becoming a father, and be willing to accept all the emotional, physical, financial, social and mental responsibilities with it?
The following section is comprised of various quotes from anonymous persons, your peers. Most of them are network/BBS users. They share their thoughts and views regarding human sexuality and relationships. I believe this part of the 'FAQ' to be the most powerful. :)
Real people. Real experiences. Real life.
I would gladly include any personal testimonies, or related opinions or experiences from anyone wishing to contribute. (as space permits.) Again a great thanks to all those who have shared! :)
"Not the way I see own opinion, mind you, but whatever woman eventually shares my sex life is going to know that it means more than just making each other feel good..."
"...the term "making love" should actually be extension of the total commitment that two people have for each other...that the physical act is an extra in a relationship...not that the relationship exists because of it."
" is a huge way to let your mate know that she (or he) is the most special person in the world to involves vulnerability that cannot be found in any other way..."
"I guess for me that's just my opinion on women. My morals are just not to have sex until I'm married-- I just want to save it and have it be something all the more wonderful and special with my future wife. But in my experiences with dating that I've had, it's made it much easier and better starting off as wonderful friends and then starting a relationship-- this way once you break up (if) then you can still relate to each other and go back to the time when the relationship wasn't so physical and be friends again..."
"Physical attraction, per se, is not something I see as either right or wrong. When it leads to mutually desired sex between partners in Matrimony, it's used appropriately. When it leads to any other use of sex, it isn't. As I understand things. Physical desire is like any other appetite. Morally neutral, it can lead to either appropriate fulfillment, or not."
"...about the virginity is something special, and one should be careful when giving it to someone, and I agree, it should be left for marriage..."
"I have to agree with you about the losing thing, I hope to some day, "give" my virginity to my husband...religion is not the only reason to abstain from sex...but it is not a bad reason, to those who feel that way...I chose to weigh the options, and decided to stay a virgin, it is important to me..."
"Sex is much more than just a physical act. It takes into account our emotional, mental, and spiritual states as well as our physical state. If any one of those states are upset, then the sex act may not be what we would like."
"...Religion is not the only reason to abstain until marriage. I'm religious, Catholic as a matter of fact, but I didn't make the decision to abstain until marriage because the Church told me to. I made the decision because I know that I don't want to have to deal with the prospect of pregnancy, STD's, and the other complications that go along with having a sexual relationship, however fulfilling it may be. I want to know that the person I am involved with is there because of who I am, not what I do in bed. I have seen too many relationships dissolve because the only communication between the two people involved was sexual. I want to have something different. So before you go deciding that those who remain virgins are doing so because God told them to, please give some credit to the fact we are logical human beings and made some choices for our own well-being..."
" point that I always make is that with abstinence before marriage, they won't constantly have to worry about whether the birth control will work or if a pregnancy will result. Abstinence takes away this constant worry. I ALWAYS worried about getting pregnant, and every other girl I know is like that too. And the guys I know are concerned about it too. With abstinence, there is the peace of mind for a female, that they don't have to worry about pregnancy/disease and all the things that go along with those end results; like...diapers, childcare, pre-natal care, who the father might be, whether he will want to take responsibility, etc... and that right there is enough reason for me to remain abstinent until marriage. :) Those are not fun things to go through. And in today's society, when someone has sex, they are not sleeping just with their partner, but everyone else that person has slept with too..."
"And it is NOT just up to the individual, for one reason simply because so many people think it isn't! I don't care much what kind of sex life someone has, but I do care about how someone affects someone else's sex life! Like I don't want any person to ever have sex with a potential girlfriend of mine."
" only have one first time, if you aren't ready, one or both of you may end up regretting it afterwards. Believe me, there is NOTHING wrong with waiting..."
"...There are so many factors regarding sex that you only find out later, and once you've done it, you can never NOT have done it. I lost my virginity when I was 17, and sex became something it never should...College relationships are so volatile. There is so much ELSE going on, and sex, while it can be bonding and meaningful, can tend to sexualize your relationship. By this I mean that you will always have that nagging anxiety regarding pregnancy, and believe me, waiting for 3 weeks or a month for a late period strains the best of relationships. You then have to approach the safety factor... pregnancy is a BIG deal. But the most important is afterwards. Chances are, no matter how you feel now, you won't get married. Once you have sex, it's easier to have it again, and in each relationship, it's earlier and earlier. How will you feel if you break up, and terrible things are said? She'll probably say "I can't believe I slept with him!? It didn't mean anything he's saying..." Regardless if you have moral convictions regarding abstinence, there are a LOT of things to consider. Sex is overrated. My boyfriend and I have both had sex in other relationships, which all ended badly, and we've been going out for almost 8 months, and we still haven't had sex. If we do get married, there will be that experience for us to share. There are other ways to be close in a relationship..."
"...who wants to get out of bed in the morning knowing that the person sleeping next to them just wanted them for sex, and not who or what they are, but just for physical recreation???? By seeing sex for just pleasure purposes, they are minimizing the wonders of love because sex is an act of love. And when/if they do get married, how do they think their spouse will feel knowing they think sex is purely physical, and not emotional???"
"One thing I always mention about this is about that one Olympic runner dude who now has AIDS due to a transfusion he had during a surgery he had. After he found out he had AIDS, he and his wife cut off their sexual relations. They have both said that their relationship has become stronger since then and that they don't miss that aspect as much as they thought they would because their commitment to each other has deepened and their love have grown even stronger through their hardships."
This 'FAQ' has not referred to any religious based argument regarding virginity and sexuality. However, various people have commented on religious beliefs when discussing this issue. Below I have replied to questions/comments regarding virginity, sexuality, and Christianity.
'What right does a religious organization have to cheat people out of the right to explore, know, and enjoy their own bodies?'
I don't know exactly what organization you are referring to. However your claim that people are 'cheated' out of a right is not necessarily true. A belief system which would force people to abide by a rule, where the person had no free will or option to get out of that belief system or circumstance, would be wrong. Most belief systems have a set of guidelines, which are intended for the benefit of the individual and community. Those guidelines are voluntary to follow. However when one person's actions affect another, or lawmaker(s) feel that the law is beneficial to both individual and community, then the establishment of enforceable law is recommended.
'Also.... any group that teaches that there is something wrong with the fact that sexuality is a vital and significant part of our natures is a group that does a terrible disservice to humanity...Christianity essentially attempts to ignore sexuality as much as possible and what it doesn't ignore it tries to regulate into oblivion.'
Apparently you have a misunderstanding of the sexual view of man/woman that Christianity presents. Christianity and Biblical principles state that sexuality IS a significant part of our natures. Christianity doesn't ignore sexuality at all. Actually as you know the belief system comments on sexuality quite often. :) And marriage is absolutely discussed, honored, and esteemed in the Bible.
'...made them male and female, and said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they two shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more two, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.' Matthew 19:4-6
'Let thy fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of thy youth. Let her be as the loving hind and the pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be thou ravished always with her love.' Proverbs 5:18-19
'Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing..' Proverbs 18:22
'So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.' Ephesians 5:28
'Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband.' 1 Corinthians 7:3
'Marriage is honorable in all; and the bed undefiled...' Hebrews 13:4
'Christianity denies that sexuality is an essential part of who and what we are. It stands in stark contrast to reality. It is very damaging.'
How can you say Christianity 'denies that sexuality is an essential part of who and what we are?' By the numerous recommendations on sexual conduct alone contained in the Bible it is very clear that sexuality is definitely a major part of every human being, a very integral feature of the male/female relationship, and a gift to be used and given freely and wonderfully in the proper context.
(p.s. - Check out the book in the Bible called Song of Solomon (a.k.a. Song of Songs) for some BEAUTIFUL erotica!) :)
*** lyrical interlude ***
Long ago when the world was young and nobody understood
The way a man and a woman could be in love the way they should
He was sad he knew that something was missing but soon Adam would see
A woman as he woke up from his sleep
She was soft with the purest touch and her eyes said that she cared
A friend to him and a friend to her and all the world to share
And when they came together man and wife it was the perfect thing to do
And then they said those words together, 'I love you.'
That's the way that love began and that's the way that love was meant to be
In the sadness or the laughter Into the darkness or the day
The two of them became as one and love would guide the way
Never leaving never thinking twice about a life for them apart
They were joined together by the love inside their hearts
*** "Ballad of Adam and Eve" by Mad at the World ***
'Don't religious people choose not to engage in pre-marital sex simply because 'God told them so?'
Well I know quite a few 'religious people' who choose not to engage in premarital sex for other reasons than just 'because God said so.' Take a look back to all the possible motivations presented in the previous sections of this 'FAQ'. And moral laws have their basis in the practical. God knows EXACTLY those things which are necessary for a man and woman to fully enjoy a loving, intimate, committed, life-long relationship. He has graciously given us guidelines for our benefit, happiness, and protection. To make an analogy, a parent will tell his/her child not to touch the hot stove. Why doesn't the child touch it? Because of the parent's warning. But when he is old enough he will understand that the stove is hot and would hurt his hand. The practical behind the law. :)
*** lyrical interlude ***
Your boyfriend told you it would be alright
And all your friends are doin it in the dark of the night
They say you're gonna like the way it makes you feel
But how you gonna deal with the guilt and pain that's so real?
You see no end in sight. C'mon and make it right...
Somebody sold you a lie. Will you listen to this or will you be surprised?
And all your friends said it would be alright
As long as you believe in God you can do what you want on a Friday night
So you do what they call fun
But tell me do you feel empty when the morning comes
Somebody sold you a lie. Will you listen to this or will you be surprised?
You can't even believe the people that you idolize
'Cause somebody sold you a lie
In the heat of it all we compromise our faith
As the tension builds we break...
*** "Sold You a Lie" by Zion ***
'Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right,
whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is
excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things...' Philippians 4:8
Some excerpts and statistics have been taken from a few various sources:
I. 'In Defense of a Little Virginity' by Focus on the Family, 1992.
A free copy of the article is available by writing to:
Focus on the Family
Colorado Springs CO USA
II. 'Why Wait' by Josh McDowell and Dick Day
Here's Life Publishers, Inc. 1987. San Bernardino, CA 92402
For more info contact:
Campus Crusade for Christ International
Arrowhead Springs, San Bernardino, CA 92414 USA
1. Leo, John. "The New Scarlet Letter." 'Time' August 2, 1982.
2. Painter, Kim. "What Women Want Most: Intimacy." 'USA Today,' Oct 14, 1986.
3. Harris, Myron, and Norman, Jane. "The Private Life of the American Teenager." New York: Rawson, Wade Publishers, Inc., 1981.
4. Gaylin, Jody. "What Girls Really Look for in Boys." 'Seventeen,' March 1978.
5. McDowell, Josh and Day, Dick. "Why Wait." Here's Life Publishers, Inc. 1987. San Bernardino, CA.
6. Lauer, Jeannete, and Lauer, Robert. "Marriages Made to Last." 'Psychology Today,' June 1985.
7. Rinehart, Stacy, and Rinehart, Paula. "Choices." Colorado Springs: Navpress, 1982.
8. Mast, Coleen Kelly. "Sex Respect: An Option for True Sexual Freedom." A Public Health workbook for students. Bradley, IL. Respect, Inc. 1986.
9. Phillips, Debora. "Sexual Confidence." Boston, MA. Houghton Mifflin, 1980.
10. Collins, Robert J., MD. "A Physician's View of College Sex." 'Journal of the American Medical Association,' April 28, 1975.
11. Pamela McDonnell, Sexually Transmitted Diseases Division, Centers for Disease Control, US Dept. of Health and Human Services, March 16, 1992.
12. "Heterosexual HIV Transmission up in the United States," 'American Medical News,' Feb 3, 1992.
13. US Dept of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control, '1991 Division of STD/HIV Prevention,' Annual Report.
14. Robert E. Johnson et al, "A Seroepidemiologic Survey of the Prevalence of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 Infection in the United States," 'New England Journal of Medicine' #321, July 6, 1989.
15. C. Kuehn and F. Judson, "How common are sexually transmitted infections in adolescents?" 'Clinical Practice Sexuality' #5. 1989.
16. Kay Stone, Sexually Transmitted Diseases Division, Centers for Disease Control, US Dept. of Health and Human Services, March 20, 1992.
17. Elise F. Jones and Jacqueline Darroch Forrest, "Contraceptive Failure in the United States: Revised Estimates from the 1982 National Survey of Family Growth," 'Family Planning Perspectives' May/June 1989.
18. Lode Wigersma and Ron Oud, "Safety and Acceptability of Condoms for Use by Homosexual Men as a Prophylactic Against Transmission of HIV During Anogenital Sexual Intercourse," 'British Medical Journal' #295. July 11, 1987.
19. Theresa Crenshaw, from remarks made at the National Conference on HIV, Washington DC, Nov. 15-18, 1991.
20. "Condom Roulette," 'Washington Watch' #3. Washington: Family Research Council, Jan. 1992.
21. William D. Mosher and James W. McNally, "Contraceptive Use at First Premarital Intercourse: United States, 1965-1988." 'Family Planning Perspectives' #23, May/June 1991.
22. Cheryl D. Hayes, "Risking the Future: Adolescent Sexuality, Pregnancy and Childbearing," Washington: National Academy Press, 1987.
23. Rush Limbaugh, "The Way Things Ought to Be," Pocket Books, New York. 1992.
24. David C. Reardon, "Aborted Women: Silent No More," 1987.
25. Speckhard, Anne Catherine. "The Psycho-Social Aspects of Stress Following Abortion." A thesis submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School of the University of Minnesota, May 1985.