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Welcome to my home page about my home towns. I am proud to say that I was born in Detroit (the city not the suburbs) and lived there until I 12 1/2 years old. We then moved to Port Huron, where my Mom's family was from. Think that living in a small town where your family has lived for a hundred years makes you automatically accepted? Nope. If you weren't born there or didn't start school in kindergarten, you are forever considered an outsider. No kidding. My younger sister started kindergarten in Port Huron schools and has one of those neverending network of friends. Ironically, she left and I stayed. Well, one does make friends and one does create a life and it's a fairly decent place to live. Although it's now urban, it hasn't developed the problems most cities experiencing rapid growth usually do. I think that's because it's a closed community. But....I still like it, even though it's frustrating at times. Besides, it's beautiful. The beach from Port Huron to just north of the State Park is one of the most beautiful stretches of beach in the world. No exaggeration. Too bad you can only swim in Lake Huron three months a year!

Home Lites has been hosted by Geocities since January 1, 1999. We had ten inches of snow. Nothing else to do, so I decided to try this new thing called "home pages." Well, the rest isn't quite history, but it's been an interesting phase of my life.

When I first published Home Lites, it was a genealogy links page. That grew so much that I now have it hosted elsewhere (you'll see a link in the next paragraph). I'm changing the focus now to Blue Water stuff, including the three lighthouses within 20 miles of my home. But that will have to wait until after Jan. 1, 2003.

All Info About Genealogy: My small site that started here, but grew and I moved it.
All Info About the Family Screen Scene: My really big site, with a lot about television and movies, particularly family and youth. I have a fair amount about TV and films for preschoolers and early elementary. I'm also big about educational television, as I believe it will play an increasing role in both public and private school districts, as well as a vital role for homeschooled kids. But, I love reviewing just about anything that strikes my fancy, from cartoons, to I Love Lucy, to the comic book super hero films, and quiet films, such as Sylvia. More...
Smith Facts and Fun.


Jim Clary, a well-known Great Lakes Artist and Titanic expert. His book was nominated for a Pulitzer. He has a lot of paintings of the Titanic and of the Regina, a legendary ship that went down during the Storm of 1913.
Sen. Dan L. DeGrow, the Michigan's Senate Majority Leader.
Dan can't get re-elected! Term limits are ending his State
Legislature career. That's okay. Change is good. In fact, he's now superintened of the St. Clair County Intermediate School District.
Detroit Red Wings
Great Lakes Internet, with links to Sanilac County web sites and more.
Great Lakes Lighthouses
Great Lakes Sailing Rep. Lauren Hager, retired teacher. Lauren's actually accomplishing good things in Lansing. His page was designed and is run by teenagers! Chances are, he'll be re-elected.
Hiking Around Port Huron
International Silver Sticks, the Stanley Cup of youth hockey, plus stuff on scouting, cooking and camping!
Irish Folk Music with Thumb Arts Links
McMorran Place,Auditorium and Arena. Hockey games, free-skate, plays, concerts and conventions.
A Michigan Page!
Michigan Tourism
More Michigan Tourism
Port Huron Area Schools
Port Huron Border Cats Hockey A fairly good Colonial League team.
Port Huron High School, Pulitzer Prize winning author Teri McMillan's alma mater.
Port Huron Northern High School, my alma mater. It's also the alma mater of Sen. Dan DeGrow and Lori Lynch, USA Weekend's celebrity columnist.
A Retired Air Force Officer, living in Port Huron who is also an activist
for a good cause, benefits for retired military personnel.
Sanilac Petroglyphs, really cool pics!
Cliff Schrader, activist realtor and city council member.

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