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My Quilt

This first link is for the quilt I started in 1995. The other links below are some of the other things that I have been interested in. I will be adding here hit and miss as I have time.

Crazy quilt
- crazy quilt ideas and pictures

CQ button ideas
- there are some ideas here for embellishing with buttons

CQ critters
- some of the critters on my crazy quilt

CQ funstuff
- some more fun things on my crazy quilt

knitted garden
-a blanket I knit in bits and pieces

doll knits
knitting for dolls

Sack cloth
- These are the feedsack and sugarsack fabrics I have. Don't go here unless you are very paitent, there are 40 pictures.

Mini Dolls
- Here are a few of the tiny dolls I've made, and the bitty little sock monkey I knit.