Matthew Covey - "Battle Hill"
Patent - October 30, 1765
Liber BC&GS 24, p. 627
Matthew Covey his certificate 100 acres - "Battle Hill"
Patented Oct. 30, 1765 Rent
Maryland, July 23, 1764
By virture of a special warrant of resurvey granted unto Matthew Covey of Dorcester County bearing date the 27th January anno domini 1764 to resurvey a tract or parcel of land called Francis Hill originally on the 2nd day of December anno domini 1758 granted the petitioner for 36 acres of land under new rent__.
I humbly certifie that I have resurveyed for and in the name of him the aforesaid Matthew Covey the aforesaid tract or parcel of land and find it to contain 36 acres to which I have added sixty-four acres of vacant land and have reduced the whole into one entire tract now called Battle Hill lying and being in the county aforesaid beginning for the out bounds of the whole tract at a marked white oak the original bounder of the aforesaid Francis Hill standing on the edge of a small round swamp or glade and on the east side of the road that leads from Hunting Creek Church by Matthew Coveys and between said Coveys and Richard Andrews then runs east southeast eighty perches then south thirty degrees east fifty-two perches then south one hundred and thirty perches then west forty perches then north one hundred and forty perches then west ninety perches then north ten degrees west seventeen perches then southwest by south thirteen perches then west northwest forty perches then north ninety-five perches then with a straight line to the first beginning containing one hundred acres of land more or less to be holden of the Manor of Nanticoak.
Wm. Haskins
July 11, 1765
On the back of the foregoing certificate was the following receipt vizt I have received three pounds four shillings for the within vacancy and two shillings and seven pence for one years rent thereon to______1765 patent may therefore be issued with his excellencys approbation.
Edward Lloyd
Approved H. Sharpe
October 30, 1765
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