1697 William Covey from Thomas Killman
Dorchester Co., Maryland

Land Record Old 5, ff. 94B-95A&B
50 acres of 200 ac. for 14,000 pounds of tobacco;
Subject to 7 year lease.

This indenture made the first day of June in the ninth yeare of the reigne of our sovereigne Lord William by the grace of God of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, King_____: and in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred ninety and seaven between Thomas Killman of the county of Dorchester in the province of Maryland planter of the one part, and William Covey of the aforesaid county and province of the other part wittnesseth that the said Thomas Killman for and in consideration of the full and just summe of seaven thousand pounds of good sound marchantable leafe tobacco with cashes, and twenty seaven shillings sterling silver to him in hand paid or otherwise secured to be paid before the insealeing and delivery of these presents, the receipt therewith whereof the said Thomas Killman doth acknowledge, and every part and persell thereof doth clearly and absolutely acquit exonerat and discharge him the said William Covey his heires executors and administrators by these presents hath given granted bargained sold alienated, enfeoffed and confirmed, and doth by these presents for himselfe his heires executors and administrators, give grant bargaine sell enfeoff and confirme unto the said William Covey his heires executors and administrators a certaine quantity or persell of land confirming fifty acres, and of a devident or tract called Winfield's Trouble, scituate lyeing and being in the county of Dorchester beginning at a marked white oake standing by a marsh side at the head of a creek issueing out of great Choptanck at the mouth of a neck called Cookes Neck beginning at the said oake, and runing east for breadth one hundred porches to a marked white oake bounded on the east with a line drawne south from the said oake for the length of three hundred and twenty porches to a marked white oake standing in the woods by a swamp side on the south by a line drawne west from the said oake for the breadth of one hundred porches to a marked pine near the head of a cove on the west by a line drawne north for the length of three hundred and twenty porches to the first bounded tree, which said persell of land of fifty acres so alien- ated as aforesaid out of the devident as a foresaid is to begin at a marked white oake standing by a marsh side at the head of a creek issueing out of great Choptanck at the mouth of a neck called Cookes Neck beginning at the said oake, and runing east for breadth one hundred porches, to a marked white oake bounded on the east with a line drawne south from the said oake with the courses of the said pattent of Winfield's Trouble, untill it intercepts with the devideing line between the said Thomas Killman and John Branock who is possessed of the other part of the aforsaid devidend called Winfield's Trouble, which by estimation is two hundred acres, togather with all and singuler the rights profits and benefits thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaineing, and also all and every the houses edifices buildings yards gardens orchards easements wayes woods underwoods profits rents revenues, herrediments or appurtenances whatsoever to the said persell of land belonging or in anywise appertaineing, and also the estate right title use claime demand whatsoever of him the said Thomas Killman of in and to the said persell of land and premises with the appurtenances and every part and persell thereof to have and to hold the said persell fo land with the appurtenances unto the said William Covey his heires and assignes forever to the only use and behoof of him the said William Covey his heirs and assigne forever and the said Thomas Killman for himselfe his heires executors administrators and assignes and for every of them doth covenant promise and grant to and with the said William Covey his heires executors and administrators and to and with every of them by these presents that he the said Thomas Killman his heires executors and administrators the hereby bargained premises with the appurtenances and every part and persell thereof unto the said William Covey his heires and assignes, to and for his and their ownne propper use and behalf aforesaid from and against him the said Thomas Killman his heires executors administrators and assignes, and from and against all and every other person and persons whatsoever shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents, and also the said Thomas Killman for himselfe his heires executors administrators and assignes and for every of them doth covenant promise and grant to and with the said William Covey his heires and assignes by these presents that he the said Thomas Killman at the time of the ensealeing and delivery of these presents standeth and is lawfully leised off and in the said persell of land and all and singuler and other the said premises with the appurtenances of a good rightfull perfect lawfull and indefeasable estateof inheritance of fee simple without condition mortgage or limmitation of any use uses or power of revocation or any other matter or thing whatsoever, which shall or may any way alter change or determine the same, and also that he the said Thomas Killman at the time of the ensealeing and delivery of these presents hat in himself full power good right and lawfull authority to give grant bargaine alien sell enfeoff and confirme the said persell of land and all and singuler the said premises with the appurtenances unto the said William Covey his heires and assignesin manner and forme aforesaid, and according to the true intent and meaning before expressed, and also the said William Covey his heires and assignes and every of them, shall and may from time to time and at all timese hereafter lawfully peaceably and quietly have hold use occuppy possess and enjoy the said persell of land, and all and singuler other the said premises abovementioned to be hereby given granted bargained sold alienated enfeoffed and confirmed as aforesaid, and every part and persell of them, and every of them with the appurtenances, without any lett trouble suite eviction malefaction deny all disturbance hindrance or interruption of him the said Thomas Killman his heires executors administrators assignes or any of them or of or by any other person or persons whatsoever and that free and cleer and freely cleerly and absolutely acquitted exonerated and discharged off and from all manner of gifts grants bargaines sales leases morgages annuitys joyntors dowery titles of dower uses wills intailes fines profits amereements seisures forfeitures judgments executions extents statutes recognisances rents arrearages of rent services charges troubles or incumbrances whatsoever had made committed done or suffered by the said Thomas Killman his heires or assignes or any of them or any other person or persons whatsoever, the rents and services hereafter to growe dew and payable to our sovereigne lord the king or to the chief lord or lords of the fee or fees of whom the same premises are holden always excepted and foreprised, and moreover that he the said Thomas Killman his heires and assignes and all and every other person and persons, and their heires which now have or at anytime or times hereafter shall or may have any lawfull claime, or pretend to have any title interest or inheritance of in or to the said persell of land or in other the said premises or in any part thereof, shall and will at all time and times hereafter at and upon the reasonable request and at the propper cost and charges in the law of the said William Covey his heires and assignes do make acknowledge execute and suffer all and every further and reasonable act and acts thing or things do will and devises assurance and assurances in the law whatsoever, which shall or may before the farther and better and more perfect assureing and sure makeing and conveing of the said persell of land and all and every the premises, and every part and persell thereof unto the said William Covey his heires and assignes and to his and their owne propper use and behoofs forever be it by fine or fines recovery or recoverys with one or more vouche or vouchers deed or deeds indented or enroled the enrolement(??) to this presant feoffment release confirmation warranty as aforesaid or without warranty or by all any or as any of the said wayes (??) Or means whatsoever as by the said William Covey his heires or any his or their councill_____in the law shall be reasonably devised advised or required in witness whereof the above said_____hath set his hand and ensealed the day and yeare abovewritten signed sealed and delivered in the presence of Thomas Killman__________signed.

June the first 1697

Then came Thomas Killman and Arrabella his wife into court, and did acknowledge unto the within named William Covey there within written bargaine and sale and the said Arrabella being privately examined as the law in that case requires saith she doth make the said acknowledgment of her owne free will without any feare constraint or compullsion of her said husband.

___________:Eccleston Clerk

June the first 1697

Then received of William Covey one shilling for the alienation of the within deed. I say received by me William Mackeell Subsheriff

Know all men by these presents that I Thomas Killman of Dorchester County in the province of Maryland planter, am holden and firmly bound unto William Covey of the aforesaid county his heires executers administrators in the full and in the summe of fourteen thousand pounds of good sound merchantable leafe tobacco with cash payable convenient in the aforesaid county on all demands to the which payment well and truly to be made and done, I bind myself my heires executors and administrators firmly by these presents sealed with my seale and dated this first day of June 1697. The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas ye above bounden Thomas Killman the first day in the ninth yeare of the reigne of our sovereigne Lord William, by the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King_______: by deed indented bareing date with these presents hath bargained sold enfeoffed and confirmed unto the said William Covey fifty acres of land part of a tract of two hundred acres scittuate lyeing and being in the aforesaid county called by name of Winfield's Trouble as by the deed more plainly appeareth. Now the condition of the above obligation farther witnesseth that whereas the above bound Thomas Killman the abovesaid fifty acres of land with all and singular its appurtenances, hath demissed and to farme letten, before the ensealing and delivery of these presents unto Aaron Tunesy of the abovesaid county for the full terme of seaven yeares, he the said Aaron haveing the injoyment of his demiss dureing the said terme and at the expiration thereof he the said Thomas Killman the aforementioned bargained lands and premises according to the terms of the said deed as aforesaid peaceable and quiet possession unto the said William Covey his heires executors administrator or assignes into surrender that then this present obligation to the voyd and of no effect otherwise to stand and remaine in full force strength and vertue.

Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of Thomas (X) Killman

Charles Powell
