See all the masonic symbols? This picture is taken from The New Encyclopedia Brittanica, Volume 29, macropaedia, pp. 1004. 1988, Encyclopedia Brittanica, Inc., Chicago, Il.The pyramid with the floating "all-seeing eye" of Lucifer is on the top, which we see on every one dollar bill in America; followed by the words "This nation under God" (the "god" of the masons is Lucifer folks),and then a symbolic kneel perfomed by masons. I regret I do not know the exact symobolism of this kneel, but if anyone does please write in and tell me! Finally we have the "Great" seal of the United States, with the masonic eagle, each part representing a masonic secret. Notice also the hexagram made of stars above the eagles head. If anyone is interested in getting or sharing information about the masons please email!