October 2005: Two beautiful kittens available.
Sono disponibili due gattine nate il 16 Agosto 2005
Chiamateci se volete prenotarne una.

Previous litters born in September 2003!
Visitate la nuova pagina dei gattini !

Novella Bartolini
Via C. Denina, 22, 00179 Roma, Italia
Tel: 06/7824873
Cell: 347/3669447


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  14 Ottobre 2005

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Do you want to visit a nice site about pictorial art?
I proudly introduce my father's siteGalleria online di Luciano Bartolini !

Another beautiful site, about a journal made by young yet very promising editors!
Give a look at eSamizdat
and at eSamizdat Studi Slavistici
an innovative journal on slavic culture.