Inventory and appraisement of the Estate of Daniel H. Zachry Decd.
- 21 Head of Sheep ................................................. 40.00
- 11 Head of Cattle ................................................. 51.50
- 20 Head of hogs ................................................... 40.00
- 1 Bay horse .......................................................... 65.00
- 1 black horse ........................................................ 25.00
- 1 Grey Stud horse ................................................. 90.00
- 1 Roan mare ......................................................... 65.00
- 1 bay mare ............................................................ 60.00
- 2 Mule coalts ........................................................ 60.00
- 2 Work Steers and Cart ......................................... 34.00
- 8 Hogshead ........................................................... 10.00
- 2 old do ................................................................... 1.25
- 4 Close casks .......................................................... 6.00
- 3 Stands of bees ...................................................... 6.00
- 1 Loom and apperata ............................................. 10.00
- 1 Check real .............................................................. .50
- 1 Womans Saddle .................................................... 6.00
- 1 Mans do ................................................................ 8.00
- 3 pair of plow gear .................................................. 8.00
- 1 old mans saddle .................................................... 2.00
- 5 plow hoes 2 clevesses 1 Swingtree ...................... 6.00
- 1 Lot of old bridles .................................................. 1.00
- 1 Lot of old tools ...................................................... 3.00
- 1 pair of stilliards ..................................................... 1.00
- 2 Cow hides and one Sheep Skin .............................. 3.00
- 1 Sythe & cradle and three reaphooks ....................... 5.50
- 1 pair of Iron wedges ................................................ 2.00
- 1 Grind Stone ............................................................ 5.00
- 1 lot of old hoes Spaid & mattock ............................. 4.50
- 4 club axes ................................................................. 5.00
- 3 old pad locks .......................................................... 1.00
- 1 Still ....................................................................... 50.00
- 4 pots 3 ovens 1 Spider two pot hooks .................... 17.00
- 1 Shovel and tongs pot rack
flesh fork and pan handle ........................................... 3.00
- 1 lot of water vefsels ................................................. 2.50
- 1 Spining Machine ................................................... 15.00
- 2 Cotton wheels & 3 pair cotton cards ...................... 6.50
- 1 Lot of tin ware ........................................................ 2.00
- 1 knife box Eleven kives & ten forks ......................... 2.50
- 1 Lot of puter ............................................................. 6.00
- Cupboard furniture .................................................. 10.00
- 3 Stone Judges ........................................................... 2.12 1/2
- 2 flat Irons and one tribl ............................................ 1.50
- 1 hogshead & one pare of Sheep Shares .................... 1.75
- 1 looking glafs and 4 Vials ........................................ 1.00
- 1 lot of Books ............................................................. 8.50
- 1 Shot gun ................................................................... 6.00
- 3 pine tables ............................................................... 4.00
- 10 Chairs .................................................................... 2.50
- 2 pine chest ................................................................. 4.00
- 2 Trunks ...................................................................... 9.00
- 1 writing desk and candle stand .................................. 1.00
- 1 bed bedstead and furniture ..................................... 30.00
- 1 Ditto ....................................................................... 35.00
- 1 do ........................................................................... 30.00
- 1 Do .......................................................................... 30.00
- 1 Do .......................................................................... 20.00
- 1 Do .......................................................................... 10.00
- 1 Lot of bead Cloths .................................................. 59.00
- 5 Coverlets ................................................................ 37.00
- 6 hundred and twenty pounds of bacon ...................... 62.00
- 30 bushels of wheat .................................................... 22.50
- 4 barrels of corn ........................................................... 8.00
- 1 Negro woman named Pheby .................................. 375.00
- 1 Negro Girl Jenny ................................................... 200.00
- 1 Negro Girl Milly ................................................... 175.00
- 1 Negro Girl Maria .................................................. 200.00
- 1 Negro boy Tim ...................................................... 250.00
- 1 boy Stephen ........................................................... 125.00
- 1 promissory not on Wm. Simmons .......................... 200.00
- 1 Do on Jefse Oneal ................................................... 34.80
- 1 Do on Jacob Thrash & Lander Thrash ..................... 25.00
- 1 Do on Isham Berry for ............................................... 7.65
- 1 Do on Peter Martin & Peter T. Flournoy ................... 3.25
- Amt. of property appraised .................$2449.62 1/2
- Do of Notes ............................................ 271.70
- Whole amount........................................ 2721.32 1/2
We do certify that the within is a true Statement of the appraisement and Inventory of the Estate of Daniel H. Zachry late of this County deceased as taken by us this 7th day of April 1814 -
Thos. Smedley
Wm. T. Morton
Peter Holloway
Jefse White
Benjn. Whitfield
Sworn appraisers
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