From: Peter Coons and Descendants/Crouse (pp.6-9)
This statement presented before the sale of the Margaret Coons estate as follows:
"Conditions of the present sale are as follows VIZ
- The higest bidder shall be the purchaser -
- nd all purchases taken singly which dos not amount to one dollar is cash -
- one of more purchases which amount to one dollar and upwards shall be entitled to nine months credit provided notes with approved security be given for the same amount.
- th No cash goods must be removed until cash be first paid.
- th No goods which entitles the purchaser to credit must be removed until notes as aforesaid be first given.
- th Any person or persons purchasing Goods at the present sale who does not allow themselves to comply fully with the above conditions must give up the goods before the sale is over, and stand gainer or loser on exposing them to sale a second time. Given under my hand the 23 day of October A.D. 1820.
Peter Coons
Administrator of the estate of Margaret Coons
The following is a list of the goods and their prices which was sold agreeably to the conditions of an article of sell 23 October 1820 by Peter Coons, Administrator of the Estate of Margaret Coons Dec'd.
- ARTICLE SOLD ............................... PERSONS NAME
- one meat tub and old barrel ............... John Braneman ............... .27
- 2 cider barrels ................................... Jacob Coons ................ 1.
- one lot of old vessells ....................... Daniel Wonder ............... .21
- one brewing tub ................................. John Bear ..................... 1.85
- one can and two old vessells ............. John Bear ....................... .58
- one lot of baskets ............................... Ronald Alexander .......... .16
- one churn and bucket .......................... George Coons .............. 2.42
- one lot of tin ware .............................. Michael Rine ....Paid...... .30
- 2 wooded buckets .............................. James Marshall ..Note... 1. 7
- one small keg ..................................... Martin Hammon .............. .25
- one spinning wheel & lot of spools ... William M Cartney ......... .30
- one spinning wheel ............................ Daniel Wonder ............... .50
- one lot of old iron .............................. John Runk ..................... 2. 5
- one old waggon tire ........................... William McCartney ...... 2. 5
- one pot and skellet ............................. Samuel Steel ................. 1.80
- one pot ............................................... George Coons ................. .66
- one large washing kettle ..................... John Moore .................. 2.20
- one frying pan ..................................... William Woods ..Note.. 1. 2
- one bake oven ..................................... John Bucannon ............... .60
- one lot horse gears .............................. Reynold Alexander ...... 1.60
- one horse collar .................................. Andrew Barclow ........... .95
- one Mawl Mattoch & iron weedge ..... John Bear ....................... .80
- one log chain & iron hoopples ............ Reynold Alexander ...... 2.21
- one small skillet .................................. John Bucannon ............... .50
- one shovel and dung fork ..................... Martin Hammon ............. .76
- 5 Crocks .............................................. George Coons ................ .26
- one sorrel mare .................................... Isaac Doupert ............ 21.25
- 2 hogs firs choice ................................. Stephen Skinner .......... 5.55
- 2 hogs second choice ........................... do do ........................... 5.65
- 5 shotes ................................................ James Stark ................. 8.15
- one old sow and 6 pigs ........................ Martin Hammon ........... 3.75
- one sow & seven small shotes ............. John Runk .................... 6.10
- 3 calves ................................................ Steph? Skinner ............ 7.20
- one cow with the bell ........................... Samuel Bair Junior .... 10. 1
- one flechet cow .................................... George Coons ............ 19.75
- one Mooly black heifer ......................... William Woods ..Note. 9.80
- one red cow .......................................... James Harry ................. 8.30
- one black sided cow ............................. Martin Hammon ........... 8.50
- one brown sided cow ........................... do do ............................ 7.75
- one red Mooly cow ............................... William Shettler .......... 7.50
- one young red & white cow .................. Martin Hammon ........... 6.70
- one white heifer .................................... James Peopels .............. 8.25
- one bull ................................................. James Gamer ................ 5. 5
- one old red cow .................................... George Coons ............... 4.50
- one lot of flax ........................................ Samuel Bair Junior ....... 2.00
- one large jug ......................................... Robert Elliot ................... .31
- one lot of earthenware .......................... John Braniman ................ .12 1/2
- 2 jugs and one bottle ............................. Adam Green ................... .16
- one coffee mill ...................................... Samuel Steel .................. .62
- one stew kettle ...................................... George Coons ................ .81
- 1 flesh fork ladle & dipper ................... Robert Baker .................. .51
- 3 coffee pots ......................................... Samuel White .................. .56
- 3 tins & spoons ..................................... William Shettler ............. .12 1/2
- 2 chairs ................................................. Adam Green ................... .51
- one table ............................................... George Coons ............... 1.50
- one small chest ..................................... Adam Green .................... .25
- one chest & what it contains ................. Peter Coons ................... 4.00
- one coverlet .......................................... Robert Elliot ................. 3.00
- 2 slips & one sheet ................................ John Braniman .............. 1.75
- 2 slips & one sheet ................................ William Woods ..Note... 2.10
- 1 slip & 2 sheets .................................... Robert Elliot ................. 2.10
- one tow Bedtake .................................... George Bucannon .......... 1.50
- one do .................................................... Daniel Wonder .............. 1.30
- one chaf bed take ................................... Henry Varner ................. 1. 8
- one bed cover of callico ........................ Ephraim Hockenberger .. 1. 1
- one do new do ........................................ William Woods ..Note... 2.82
- one dugh trough ...................................... Joseph Gabler ................ 1. 1
- one Drysenk ............................................ Peter Coons ................. 10
- one new chest ......................................... Martin Coons ................. 2.20
- one stove ................................................ William Shettler ........... 17.90
- one bed stead & bedding ........................ Peter Coons .................. 20
- one cutting box ....................................... George Coons .................... .12 1/2
- one winmill ............................................ do do ............................... 1.55
- 20 bushells of rie by the bushell ............. Jacob Coons
- 20 bushells rie more or less ................... Jacob Coons of rye 55 ... 23.10
- 5 bushells of wheat more or less ............ do do ............................... 7.60
- 2 bushells oats more or less ................... Peter Coons ..................... 6.
- 9 bushells bucwheat more or less .......... Jacob Coons ..................... 3.60
- one tun of hay more or less ..................... Robert Baker ................... 8.20
- one stack of hay ...................................... David Neil ....................... 9.
- one pot .................................................... John White ....................... 1.13
- one griddle .............................................. Wm McCartney ................ 1. 1
- one table and ban box .............................. John Runk .......................... .13
- one lot of puter ........................................ Ephraim Hookingberger ... 2.21
- one puter dish .......................................... John Braniman ................... .80
- 5 puter and 2 dishes ................................. Jacob Hoover .................... .60
- cups and saucers ...................................... John White ......................... .26
- one dish and plates .................................. George Coons ..................... .10
- one collender cups & saucers .................. Samuel White ..................... .38
- 7 plates .................................................... Samuel Bear Junior ............ .50
- 10 plates and one dish .............................. Robert Elliott ..................... .70
- 2 crockes & 4 bowls ................................ do do .................................. .32
- one gray jug .............................................. John Braniman ................... .25
- one do ....................................................... Adam Green ...................... .25
- one large do .............................................. Jacob Hoover .................... .49
Another article from the estate of Margaret Coons dated March 28th, 1821.
At an Orphans Court held in Chambersburg in and for the County of Franklin on the 13th day of march in the year of our Lord 1821 Peter Coons one of the heirs of Margaret Coons took the real estate of the said Margaret at the valuation to wit at the price or sum of Eleven hundred and fifty dollars and ten cents, being the amount of the said valuation after deducting nineteen dollars and twenty cents costs and enter into Recognizance to pay to the other heirs the following sums in time and manner as follows:
- To George Coons $164.30 in 1 yr. from date with interest.
- To Martin Coons $164.30 in 1 yr. from date with interest.
- To Mary Coons $164.30 in 1 yr. from date with interest.
- To Margaret Coons $164.30 in 1 yr. from date with interest.
- To Barbara Coons $164.30 in 1 yr. from date with interest.
- To Jacob Coons $164.30 in 1 yr. from date with interest.
I do hereby certify the above to be an abstract from the record of the Orphans Court Docket Chambersburg 28th March 1821 John Shryock clk
From: Peter Coons and Descendants/Crouse (p.6)
Fannettsburg Aug.27th 1820
By William Shetler
Bought of William Brewster
Mr. Peter Coons
for Mothers funeral
- 3 1/2 yds Cambric Muslin 67- ....................$2.34
- 5 black Canton 56/L ..................................... 2.81
- 1/2 gal Magega Wine 1.50 ........................... 0.75
- 1 P. White Cotton Stockings ......................... 0.60
- 1 gall N. E. Rum ........................................... 0.75
- 2 lb loaf sugar 25 .......................................... 0.50
- 1 pr white cotton gloves ............................... 0.30
- 6 rows pins 1 ................................................ 0.06
- 3 yds Black Ribuna 15 .................................. 0.45
- 1 yd Black Crape .......................................... 0.621
- 1" do- do- ...................................................... 0.75
- ..................................................................... $9.931
- .............. Needles and thread ......................... 0.00
- .............. 1/4 yard of crape @ 75 .................... .18 1/2
- ................................................................... $10.12
Received of Peter Coons Ten dollars
and twelve cents in full for goods
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