I used to have a link up here to my online diary. I've since become very paranoid and taken it down. If you want to know the address, feel free to e-mail me and I'll give it to you.

My Scribblings

October 28, 1999

Hey all, sorry, it's been a few months since my last entry. But you wouldn't BELIEVE how busy I've been in these past few months! I won't be telling you how my graduation went here, I'll have a special section for that later. =o)
Hmmm, a few days after grad, I ended up moving out of my house. It was a big thing for me, but I did it anyways. I moved in with my best friend, and I've been there ever since. I ended up getting a boyfriend around this time as well, but I really regret it as he was a total nightmare, and after I broke up with him, he started stalking me, and the only reason it stopped was because he got kicked outta town for being in too much shit.
I had a great summer, the weather wasn't hot, and I just enjoyed the hell outta myself. I also went on a trip up the coast to Cartwright for a little over a week. It was a lot of fun, and even though I didn't hook up with any guys, it was a great place. I went to a wedding over the summer, the first one ever. Then I came the big decision as to whether I should go back to high school for upgrading, or go to the college here, or a university out of town. I figured, as I'd missed a lot of school last year due to health problems, I should go back to high school and make my grades better for university. And that's exactly what I'm doing. I'm sitting in my microsystems class *which I could knock myself in the head for, cause I realized I've already done this class in grade 9*, and the school year is already 1/4 of the way through. Time goes by so fast! But I'm glad I did, cause my marks are a lot better now, that I've only missed 8 days this year, so far *LOL*
School takes up a lot of my time, homework is the worst. So in between homework, school, cleaning up the house, trying to have a life, and switiching between my family, and my best friend's family, AND the occasional babysitting, I never have time for much else, which explains me not being able to update this page!
Anyways, I really have to go, I have loads of e-mails to write. The net can be such a pain in the ass sometimes! Anyways, I'll write as soon as I can. Later!