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    Well, I've been at it again!  Trying to make updates and improvements.  It doesn't seem that long ago since I started doing genealogy.  But come this fall it will be 10 years, not long by some standards, forever by others.  Boy, I tell you that time sure flies when you're busy digging up those roots! 

    Welcome to my Genealogy Homepage.  I have tried putting together a page that would be of interest to both you and me.  I have quite a bit of links and information on this page.  If you have any questions, comments, corrections or ideas please let me know.  Or if you want your page linked here (like this is Grand Central Station or something!) just let me know also.

    One last thing before you begin your search, to see two of the cutest kids in the world, click on the camera

Abigail and Nikolaus  But, that is just a mother's opinion!


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Now, step into my genealogy office.  Please excuse the mess I'm always in the state of utter confusion.  Organization never was one of my better subjects. Now go ahead and make yourself right at home and look around a bit.  Just try to ignore all the dustballs.  It's either genealogy or housework and it seems like genealogy is winning for now. ;)

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First you can check out My Family Surnames

For instructions on how to join the Shofner email List click here

For instructions on how to join the DeSpain email List click here

Now you can look through some of my source information.

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Estate Cases
Family Bibles
Family Cemeteries
Family Letters

Here are some of my family pictures!

For my DeSpain Family Pictures GO HERE
For my Foster Family Pictures GO HERE
Say Cheese !For my Munday Family Pictures GO HERE
For my Self Family Pictures GO HERE
For my Shofner Family Pictures GO HERE
For my Slemmons Family Pictures GO HERE
For my Tharp Family Pictures GO HERE

Some of these pages might take a little time to load because of the amount of pictures on them.


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My Ancestors Military Connections

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To visit my Revolutionary War Soldiers at the retirement home

To see my War of 1812 Soldier Ancestors information

To see my Civil War Soldier Ancestors information


Head 'em up and move 'em out!

My Links

The awards that I have won for these pages
- I am so grateful for every one of them. (This page may take awhile to load)

My Eastern Star Page - I have joined this wonderful organization, so naturally I had to add a page on my website about it.   If you know of any new sites that I might have missed, please let me know.

Memberships - To see the different online organizations that I am a member of.

The Metcalfe Co. KYGenWeb Page - I had to plug the other project that I help take care of.  Stop by and tell me what ya think.

More info about me - If you have a strange desire to know a little more about me & my family you can check it out here (you have been warned, it could scare young children and people with heart conditions) ha!ha!

Some Links to My Other interest on the web - Believe it or not, I do have a few.

Other Personal or Surname Homepages - If we have the same surname but it wasn't the right person.  You may want to check out these homepages of fellow researchers.  They may have the individuals you are looking for.

WebRings - They have been moved here.  If you got here via a WebRing, go here to continue on, if you really have to :(

Head 'em up and move 'em out!

      Before you leave PLEASE sign my Guestbook
and let me know you were here.

If you want to look at the older entries from my guestbook go HERE

    Head 'em up and move 'em out!


Go here for some great genealogy graphics To register if you believe in honor on the net. It wasn't that bad, give it a try!

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Drop me a Line at


Thanks and Come again!

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