Ben & Sympatico Dani are my two li'l boys = ) Well, Ben isn't exactly little. Ben was born in Missy and Pookie's 3rd litter on June 14th, 1996. He originally lived with his brothers Ross, Ben, and Joey, but one by one they died = ( On September 16th, 1998 the last of his brothers, Monny, died, so I got him a friend from Lisa Harrell down in MD. That friend is TKC's Back Door Man, aka Sympatico ;) Sympatico is a black pied. His parents were Guenevere (lilac) and Cloud (black).
Ben is an argente golden just like his mom. Sympatico is this cute little black pied boy with a white "lightening bolt" on his forehead (at least that's what I think it looks like). He of course has the full collar, a little white tip to his nose, some splashes of white on his butt, and a nice long white tip to his tail = ) He's a real pretty boy.
Since male to young male intros are typically very easy I sort of just "plopped" Ben in with Sympatico. After about 3 hours of watching them tensely I was convinced they'd be ok. Sympatico kept his distance from Ben but by the end of the day, they were curled up together. They're good buds now.
In early 1997, Ben suffered an ear infection that causes him to have a head tilt. However he's adapted to this handicap quite well, and he has regained much of his balance. He still looks at me at an odd angle, though, but I think that's just cute! ;)
Sympatico is beginning to get a little chunky ;) His parents are very big so this isn't too surprising. He's such a cute little fella!
Sadly... Ben passed away December 20th, 1998 = ( See his memorial.