Skittish is my little buddy, who I bought at the local petstore, where Ciaran came from. He's a white of some kind. I'm not really sure WHAT kind because I thought his tail was getting dark, but now it doesn't look like it is. So maybe he's a pink eyed white after all. ::shrug:: I'll never know.
Skittish is Pookie's "little buddy". The two of them live together in a 2 story tall tank with lots of space and a number of tubes. Skittish loves to hide in the tubes that lead up to the second floor, even though he's pretty friendly. I spent all evening after I bought him trying to come up with a name; nothing seemed to suit him. However, just as I was going to bed that night, an idea struck me. I walked up to his tank and said, "You wouldn't be terribly insulted if I named you Skittish, would you?" and since he didn't object that's who he is = )
One interesting thing about Skittish is that he's missing one of his fingers! This happened one evening while I was asleep. I woke up the next morning, and found blood all over his face! I was worried at first, but when I checked him over, I couldn't find a mark on him! A few weeks later, though, as I was handing him some rice crispies, I realized one of his little paw-fingers was gone, with nothing left but a stump! = ( But, he's fine, and he doesn't seem to mind it = )