The Will of Christian Erb (1685 - 1736)

Dated: 10 Oct 1736.      Probated: 16 Nov 1736.
Place: (Township omitted.)
Legatee: Peter Rench, a shipmate.
Executor: John Shank.

Source: "Abstracts of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Wills 1732-1785", (Willow Bend Books, 65 East Main St., Westminster, MD. 211577-5026, c1998) p. 55 [via Emily Terrill].

Notes: This is the earliest Erb will recorded in Lancaster County.

Christian was an immigrant on the ship "Harle", which arrived at the Port of Philadelphia on 1 Sep 1736. The passenger list of the "Harle" shows a "Christian Erb" age "46" and on the next line a "Peter Rensch", age "37". Peter was accompanied by his wife and four children -- all of whom were born in Canton Bern, Switzerland. Christian apparently fell ill on this voyage, or shortly thereafter, since his will was written only a month after he landed and probated a month after that. The ship list did not include the names of wives and children, but the fact that no family member is mentioned in Christian's will strongly suggests that he was not accompanied by a wife or children. And there are no other adult male Erbs listed on the ship.

Though as yet unproven, this was probably the Christian Erb born in Canton Bern, Switzerland in 1685, who was a younger brother of Nicholas (Claus) Erb. According to his birth date, he would have been 51 in 1736. This age differs by five years from the one given on the ship list, but ship list ages (like the spelling of ship list surnames) are not always accurate. Nicholas (Claus) and his family came to Pennsylvania just one year later, and it was not unusual for immigrant families to send one family member ahead to prepare for the others. If that was to be Christian's role, unfortunately he didn't live long enough to fulfill it.

This Christian Erb is not to be identified with Christian Erb (1703-1810?), who is said to have come to Pennsylvania earlier (in 1722 or 1727) and to have fathered several children in Lancaster County before 1736, but who may have never actually existed.