Sweet Dreams
The average cat sleeps about 16 hours a day and in the wild only sloths sleep longer (around 19 hours). Feline sleeping patterns change according to the seasons. All cats are more active in the spring and summertime when some outdoor cats hunt for up to 12 hours a day. Cats begin their slumber with a 30 minute period of motionless, light sleep when the brainwaves are slow and the cat is slightly aware of its surroundings. This is followed by the all-important, 6-8 minute deep sleep when it will probably dream as it stretches out and rolls on its side, completely relaxed before emerging through more light sleep and becoming fully awake. Cats probably spend around three hours a day in "rapid eye movement sleep". This compares with reptiles and fish who have no similarly discernible phase or rats with around 30 minutes daily and birds around 30 seconds!
Choosing A Kitten
Longhairs are luscious, but do you have time to spend on grooming? Are you
happy to pamper a temperamental pedigree, or do you want an easy-going cat with an independant
streak? Should kitty be prepared to spend time alone, and is there easy access to the great outdoors? Does
neutering fit in with your ideals? If you decide on a pedigree, go to a recognised breeder. For a non-pedigree,
try a cat-rescue society. It is best to avoid pet shops.
When you come to choose a kitten, it is wise to bear the following pointers in mind:
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