Let's take a "Sentimental Journey" down Memory Lane & view My family tree.

April 24, 2001

My family
In memory of:
my father,
Ellis Austin Henderson, 1906-1998,
who's information and stories of his family first started my interest in family history "A greater man I have never known."

And my mother,
Genevieve Grace Lawrence Henderson, 1904-2001,
who instilled in me pride in who I am and where I came from. "First An angel on earth, now an angel in heaven."
At my father's funeral, my brother said it best, "It is very hard to follow in Dad's footsteps, and impossible to follow in Mom's."

The surnames in my tree include: Alford, Bach, Brodbeck, Clark, Covington, Estes, Funk, Funkhouser, Habegger, Haynes, Henderson, Klein, Livingston, Lawrence (Lorentz), Louton (Lutton), Main, Orrick, Rentsch, Rhodes, Saunders, Showalter, Skein>, Stein, Sullenberger, Tanner, Wilson, Wuthrich, Zaugg and Zehnder,

Take a look at my photo album.

My husband's family
In memory of:
Catherine Augusta Harris Reiter, 1907-1994,
who left us with a trunk full of family information, photos and heirlooms.

My husband's tree includes: Bagdley , Boatman, Browne, Bunn, Covell, DuMont, English, Force, Girard, Gooch, Ghuedinx-Botens Harris, Hatfield, Hathaway, Hayne, Hunt, Hunter, King, Langdon, Lawrence, Melyn, Noe (Nuee), Ostrander, Palmer, Parke, Peck, Roubin, Salmon, Sholtz, Smith, Smith, Thorne, Topping, Tuthill (Tuttle), Van Myert, Ware and Wells.

Take a look at my husband's photo album.

to those who made this page possible.

I must take the time to thank all those on-line and off-line who helped put me on the right path in my research. If I have left anyone out, please forgive me and let me know so I may add you to the list.

My family:
My father, Ellis Austin Henderson,
My mother, Genevieve Grace Lawrence Henderson,
My two cousins, Juanita Lawrence Spurlin and Ressie Roark Lawrence, who shared all their research on my mother's family with us all,
My wonderful daughter Betty Nell Jester
My special "adopted" daughter Pam Hamilton
And others,
Frieda Funkhouser Wilson
Barbara Akins,
Joan & Frank Showalter,
Pearl Findley.

My husband's family:
My husband's Aunt Catherine Augusta Harris Reiter,
And others:
Tom Loper,
Dianne Morrison,
Cheska Wheatly,
Lonnie VanZant,
Dawn Hillegass,
Buffi Smith.

Please come back soon and visit me. Don't forget to sign my guestbook before you leave.

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Background created by scanning my husband's great grandmother's lace edged handkerchief, which is over 100 years old.

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