This glorious art was done by Greg OlsenŠ. You can find His wonderful art atGreg Olsen Gallery
I've given you my heart
You've made it clean and new
I surrender all and give my life to you

You've taken me from the flood
Of sin and deadly strife
You took this shell, My Lord, and given me a life

You've given me a joy
That floods my soul today
No longer lost in sin
For you've shown me the way

How can I thank you Lord
For all that you have done?
It's through your precious blood, the victory's finally won

I'll thank you by telling others
Of what You've done for me
By giving it all to Jesus, you too can be set free

He's the answer to your problems
Be they great or small
He took the cross on Calvary because He loves us One and All

by Patrice A. Vicory
