There is a pond
Outside my home
With waters still and clear,

Where water lillies float
And frogs do leap
It is a spot so dear.

Sometimes I go out
To sit and reflect
Over a troubled day,

The peace it settles over me
My mind seeks tranquility
As my cares do float away.

Flowers surround my pond
Dressed in their finest hues
Sweetly scenting the air

While in the air
The butterflies do dance around
To a tune only they can hear

In this place so gentle
I feel nearer to my God
His presence is all around,

At once I am overwhelmed
By the gift of nature
Filled with heavenly sound.

This old bench I sit upon
Has become like a dear old friend
So for a bit I'll stay,

I'll seek the guidance
Of my gentle Savior
As I come to pray,

I'll thank Him for contentment
And the beauty all around
All these gifts He gives to me,

I'll say a prayer that my children
And for my grandchildren too
That they'll be aware of what they see

Soon dusk settles over
As duty bids me to go in
For there are promises to keep,

But tonight as I lay down
I will find a comfort
To lay me down in peace and sleep.

by Patrice Vicory©
