
Welcome to my little corner of the web. All of my friends know me by the handle Lynx or Lynxy. I am female and reside in one of the most beautiful and historical states in our country, Va!
I'm in my late 30's, married 17 years this past December. I have two beautiful sons. One is 16 and the other is 11 years old. I work in the office at a grocerystore. Not my true profession...I gave that up due to other things happening in my Life . My true Love is Music. I studied at the American Conservatory of Music in Chicago, ILL. I have a BA in performance and a private teaching degree. *Yippie* I use it? Not any more!*sigh*...

When I have the spare time, I love to read. My favorite books are suspense & thriller novels. My Favorite Is Stephen King and Anne Rice I love pretty much all Music with the exception of country & western. Although I do like Travis Tritt, Clint Black & Alabama.
I am a strong advocate of the protection of endangered Cats and other animals and a charter member of Defenders of the WildLife and Care2Care Everyone on this planet should try to do their part in some way to protect these helpless and endangered animals ~!!!!

When I do get a little free time I do like to dabble into Arts & Crafts. Either with my kids or I paint ceramics & make ornaments for favorite time of year ! My Husband also dabbles in art ! He designs Tattoo's in his free time and even does business cards. He's actually a very gifted artist !*smile* If you want to get to know me come join me and Lots of great friends at the Talker. We all hang out at either the Pool or Bar ! Hope to see ya there!
Here's many *hugz* to all my cyber friends NEW and of course OLD !

My Favorite Cat's to talk & play with!

Rinko aka Tinkerer Tink aka Steele Heart ... This has to be one of the sweetest and most pleasant people I have the honor of knowing. I have met him and his wife and have actually been able to spend some real time with them, and have always had a blast of time when we are together ~!I have known Rinks longer then his wife T.Bear but I feel like I have known her my entire life. I Love them both with all my heart and know that I can share anything with them and they will not judge me or belittle me, just be there for me when the chips are down so to speak and I and my family feel the same for them. Just wanted to say, Thank YOU Rinko ( Jas) And T.Bear ( Pam) for being my good friends. Hope we will remain good friends forever ~warm hugz~
Caroline .....There isn't a sweeter Lady around.. *smile* (She's one of my best friends too!)
Barney .....A wonderful and funny Dino that you will be glad to meet And a wonderful friend :-) Miss ya Barney ~!
Playpen .....A very sweet Lady and Barney's best friend on the net & real life
Jonesy...what a party animal ~! *grin*
Tomcat ....What a wonderful artist and writer. A very sweet guy and a good friend~! :-)
Jenna Tiger ....Another feline that's sweet & silly...
Thunder ...A very sexy and smooth talking guy, Gotta watch him...LOL
Black Thorn ...this gal and I have become very close ! We can talk about anything to each other ! A real true friend and confidant ! Love ya ~! *smile*
Waba*a very sweet and playful gal...glad your back online babes! Have missed you!*smile*
Madison ...A dear and wonderful friend from my hometown Chicago! Love ya ~! *grin* Was great meeting ya and I can't wait to see ya again~!
Tigress .... Another wonderful and goofy Feline...she is FUN to talk too and tease !*grin*
Cyberman ....Wow what a guy ! He is smart and real witty...what a real sweetheart ! *smile*
Watchdog ...A wonderful friend and quite a flirt*grin*
Cowboy ...What a card! He's always sweet and full of interesting facts! And always there to lend a helping hand!!! *smile*
Lara ...She's know as the Brat but she's not really! She's fun to kid around with.*smile*
She Wolfie ...A wonderful friend from Virginia too.*smile* She can be as crazy as me...*heehee*
LiL Devil ...She is finally back online and has been missed terribly !!Glad to see you back chica ! *smile*
Wizzard ...A very sweet man and a wonderful poet ! You've got to talk to him!!!*smile*
Antigone ...She's fun to talk to and play with! Also another excellent poet!*grin*
Hunter ...This gal is extemely crazy...much like me! That's why we click *heehee*
Moonie ...What a very sweet guy and a real hunk! A great friend that you can talk to about anything!!!!! *grin*
Dreamer ...another sweet guy that is also a gifted poet and a great dreamer ! *smile*
Neelix ...Now here is a guy in real time that is a great and true friend and he'll keep you in stitches! *laugh*
Panther ...A truly great friend to have, she has been there for me in many thin times and vice a versa. Her compassion amazes me and her inner strength shows no bounds...I don't know what I would do without her !!!!! Love ya~! *big smile* Can't wait for the day to finally meet you !
Southern Gentleman ..a sweet guy from Virginia too...have to watch out for him and his real spinning hugz...*l* and what a Party animal....*giggle*
Tiffany ...My Best friend in cyberspace and in real life...we have shared so many secrets . She is so adorable and wonderful to talk to and play with and is also very understanding, caring and compassionate...don't know what I would do without you in my life Tiff... Love ya ~! *tight ass hugzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz*
Dead Angel ...A Sweet guy whether he wants to believe it or not and a very good poet too! *S*
Grizzly...A really nice and caring guy...and he can alwayz find a way to put a smile on your face ! *grin*
Dragon Fire...Another understanding, wise and caring guy, and a great friend !*smile*
Twins ...A Sassy, sweet and sexy gal to talk and play with ! Love ya ~! *grin*
Kitten ...Another wonderful and sweet fun loving gal from the bar ! ~! Love ya !*grin*
Legal Eagle ...Not only is she smart and pretty ,she's fun and witty ! Love ya~! *grin*
Mal...a sassy and sweet gal ...can she drive the guys wild in da bar! Love ya ~! *eg*
Colin aka Chicken Legs...what a cutie and a nutty guy from Australia and wouldn't ya know he's getting married !*grin*
Fox ...what a nice young lady from England. She's smart and has a excellent sense of humor to her ~! *grin*
Rae ...Another old close friend that I haven't seen in a coon's age....damn I have missed you!!!!! Glad to see ya back gal!!!!!
Lady Shelby...A sweet & sassy Southern gal that I have had the pleasure to get to know and share alot with. I do hope to get to meet her one day for she's a wonderful friend to have ~!*hugz*

*Now If I missed anyone please don't be angry , just drop me an e and I'll rectify the problem. Us Older felines get forgetful at times so please forgive me if I've forgotton you !

*Remember to check back here from time to time cause this page will always be under construction...*laugh* And please hit the links at the bottom of the page to visit my other pages,you might find something there you might like ~!

Some of my personal favorite Big Cat pictures!

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