This is a survey for the Homesteaders in Heartland/Hills Blocks 6250-6749. My goal is to find out how I can do a better job as your community leader. Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey. - Jim (aka Stangergen)

Your Name:

How long have you had your GeoCities web site?

Less than 3 months 3 months - a year more than a year I don't know

Have you ever had any problems with your GeoCities site?

No Problems A few problems quite a few problems

Rate your dealings with your GeoCities community leaders.

Always helpful Helpful Not very helpful I never got a response I've never contacted one.

What are your general impressions of GeoCities?

GeoCities is the best GeoCities is pretty good GeoCities is OK GeoCities could use some work GeoCities has some real serious problems