" N A 4 J "
What is the " SPIRIT OF THE EAGLE MINISTRY " all about ?
This is a ministry that has been established to minister to Native
American Indians through [local services] and through-out the WEB.
We believe that we have been called to be the " Repairers of the
Breach " to a Nation of people that have been left out when it comes to being
ministered to with the Word of God.
We believe that God had ministered to Native American Indians in
the early days of their ancestors. We feel that some of their ways of
worshipping are in direct relationship to Biblical teachings.
We feel that God has lead us to show Native American Indians that
in their ways of worshipping they too can find the true relationship with the
Creator God.
**(We will not try to tell you how to worship God because that is
personal between you and God.)**
In doing this, we must lead them to Jesus, the Son of the living God,
and an understanding that the only way to "SALVATION" comes through the blood of
the Lamb, Jesus Christ.
Many people "FEAR" the unknown. If they don't understand something,
they see it to be wrong. People think most Indians are paganistic because they
don't know or understand their customs or traditons.
How can the things they do be Biblical ? Well, the Bible tells us
that Jesus said that he had other sheep not of "THIS" fold....
The Native American Indians hold all things sacred in this world.
They beleive that we should honor, or respect, the earth, the animals, and all
God gave man DOMINION over the earth and all things in it. We were
to take care of it as one of the things on our to-do list.
Native American Indians believe that before they pursue doing
something, they are to seek the advice of the Creator.
The Bible teaches us that in all things, it should be done with much
prayer and thanksgiving to the Father(God).
These are just a few simularities between Native American Indians and
TRUE followers of Jesus Christ.
This is why we are lead to minister to Native American Indians. We
feel that the opportunity has been opened up through God to restore HIS people
back into His Fold.
Rev. Dann "StrongOak" Dear
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