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O, Great Spirit, we knew about you before the white man came-- we knew and we tried to talk to you.
We prayed to the sacred mountains and the sun; we knelt before the buffalo and the eagle skull; we brought to you the sacrifice of the blood of a pure white dog.
We told our children about the happy hunting ground. We taught them to bring offerings of the first-fruits of all that you gave us.
Yet, we were never sure that you heard us-- because you never answered.
Then the white man came.
He took our land and many times was unkind and cruel to us. He did not understand our love of freedom. He did not understand that we did believe in you-- the Great Spirit-- and that we did have a longing in our hearts to know you.
Thank you, Great Spirit, that all white men were not like this. Thank you for those who not only knew you as we did-- as the Creator of all-- but who also knew you personally-- knew how to talk to you-- knew how to listen to your voice talking to them.
"Mary S. Baker"


Our Father, up in the sky, your name is the most Holy of all.
Gather your tribe from the four winds and come be our Chief here on earth like you are in the sky.
Give us corn to make bread each day.
Have pity on us when we do wrong and help us to pity others when they do wrong to us.
Lead us away from enemy territory and deliver us from his attacks.
Keep your tribe by your great power and lead us into your shining presence forever....Amen.

Tom Claus-- Mohawk


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