Family Obituaries

Obituaries have alot to offer in the way of family names and history. These obits have been transcribed as they appeared in the newspaper, spelling and grammar mistakes included. This area still under construction.

John F. O'Connor

From: Source Unknown

John F. O'Connor, aged 87 years died yesterday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. John O'Brien, 495 Wilson Street. He was born in Beverly, and is survived by two sons and four daughters. John, of this city; H.M. O'Connor of New Westminister, B.C.; Mrs. J. O'Brien, city; Miss Cecilia O'Connor, in Rochester, N.Y.; Miss Annie O'Connor, in Vancouver, B.C. and Miss Claire O'Connor, at home, also one brother, M.J. O'Connor, who lives in Ottawa. The funeral will be held from 17 Stirton Street on Wednesday morning at 8:30 o'clock to St. Patrick's church for requiem mass. Internment will be made in St. Augustine's cemetery, Dundas.


From: Source Unknown

James Hurley, sen., one of the oldest and most highly respected citizens of Hamilton, died at his residence, 161 Bay St. N., at the age of 82 years, on Sunday, July 29, 1928, after an illness of about two months. He was one of the oldest parishioners of St. Mary's pro-Cathedral, being a member of the Holy Name Society, the Alter and St. Vincent De Paul Societies. He was also an honorary member of the Iron Moulders' Union. He was a native of County Cork, Ireland, coming to this city 1864. Five years ago he celebrated his golden wedding anniversary. Besides his widow, Catharine Dineen, he leaves to mourn his loss, two sons, John and James; four daughters, Mrs. T.J. Costello, Mrs. J.J. O'Connor, and Misses Agnes and Margaret at home. A son, Maurice M., and two daughters, Ellen and Mrs. J.J. Gallagher, predeceased him. He is also survived by sixteen grandchildren, and four nephews, and five nieces, two of whom are Sister J. Imelda, of the Mercy Convent, and Sister M. Berenice, of St. Joseph's Community, Buffalo, N.Y.
The funeral took place from his late residence Wednesday, Aug. 1st, to St. Mary's pro-Cathedral, where solemn Requiem High Mass was celebrated by Rev. Father Arthur O'Brien, assisted by Rev. Father Gleason as deacon, and Rev. Father Keough, as sub-deacon. Rev. Father James Ford officiated at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. The Pall-bearers were Dr. H.A. Wardell, Ex-Alderman John J. Sherring, Peter Rya??, Andrew O'Brien, ???, William Williams. (NOTE: Last part of OBIT is torn.)

John J. Hurley

From: Source Unknown - November 8, 1935

An employee of the Hamilton Street Railway company for the last 35 years, John Joseph Hurley died yesterday at his home, 161 Bay Street north, from pneumonia after a week's illness. Deceased was the elder son of the late James and Catherine Hurley and was born in Hamilton. He had been a life attendant at St. Mary's church where he was a member of the Holy Name Society, the Alter society and the League of the Sacred Heart; also a member of the Native Sons of Canada, the A.O.H. and the Street Railwaymen's Union. He leaves a brother and four sisters, James, Mrs. T.J. Costello, Mrs. J. J. O'Connor, Misses Agnes and Margaret Hurley, all of Hamilton. The funeral will take place Tuesday at 8:30 a.m. from his home to St. Mary's church. Burial will be in Holy Sepulchre cemetery.

Maurice Dineen

Father of Catharine Dineen - Wife of James Hurley

From: The Hamilton Herald - (Died September 8, 1897)


"He Had Lived on the Brock Road Since 1835."

"On Friday last, the remains of the late Mr. Maurice Dineen, of the
Brock Road, were interred at Freelton. Mr. Dineen passed peacefully
away on Wednesday, fully possessed of his faculties and fortified
by the sacraments of the Catholic Church. His illness was brief.
Deceased was born in County Kery, Ireland, but came to Canada in 1835,
when but a boy. He settled on the Brock Road, where he resided up to
the time of his death. He was a devoted Catholic, a generous friend
of the poor and always ready to assist any good cause. He was of an
amiable dispostion, which made him a favourite wherever known. He was
also a lifelong Reformer. Mr. Dineen leaves a widow and family of nine-
four sons and five daughters, all of whom were with him at the last.
The two youngest sons reside at the homestead, and the two eldest live
in Bay City, Mich. The daughters are Mrs. Cummings and Mrs. O'Toole, of
this city; Mrs. Le Gerrie, of London; Mrs. Hurley, of Woodstock an Miss
Teresa, who lives at home."

Maurice Dineen

From: Source Unknown - Same Person as Above

"A Daughter Living Here."

"The Hamilton Herald of the 14ths says "Maurice Dineen of
the Brock Road departed this life calmly, fully possessed of all his
faculties, and fortified by the sacraments of the Catholic Church, on
Wednesday, Sept. 8, after a short illness. Deceased was born in County
Kerry, Ireland, and when but a mere boy came to this country in the
year 1835 and settled on the Brock Road, where he has lived permanently
ever since. He leaves a widow and a family of nine children, four sons
and five daughters, all of whom survive him and were with him at the
last. One of the daughters is Mrs. Hurley of Woodstock and the youngest
Miss Teresa, who is unmarried and lived with her aged parents.""

Catharine Dineen

Wife of Maurice Dineen-Mother of Catharine Dineen(Wife of James Hurley)

From: Source Unknown - (Died 1906)

"AT AGE OF 85"


"The death of Mrs. Catharine Dineen, occured yesterday at her late
residence, Apple Grove Cottage, sixth concession, West Flamboro'.
Mrs. Dineen was in her 85th year, and had enjoyed good health until two
weeks ago, when she contracted pneumonia, which proved fatal.
Mrs. Dineen will be missed among a large circle of friends, as she was
of a very lovable dispostion. She is survived by four sons and five
daughters, Messre. Daniel and Edward, of Bay City, Mich.; Mr. Michael,
of Hayesland; Mr. John, of the homestead, and Mrs. Cummings, Mrs. Hurley
and Mrs. O'Toole, of Hamilton; Mrs. Lagerie, of London, and Mrs. Levia
Marlette, Mich.; also two brothers, Mr. Edward Carroll, of Carlisle,
and Mr. John Callaghan, of Syracuse, N.Y."

Catharine Dineen

From: Source Unknown - Same Person as Above)

"DINEEN-At her late residence, Apple Grove Cottage,
sixth concession, West Flamboro',Catharine Dineen, widow of the late
Maurice Dineen, in her 85th year. Funeral Friday 15th inst., to the
Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, thence to R.C. Cemetery, Freelton."

Henry Higgins

Father of Lucy Higgins - wife of John F. O'Connor
From: Source Unknown - Greensville, Ontario Date: Unknown - approx. 1890

An old and highly esteemed resident of this place in the person
of Henry Higgins passed away on Friday. The deceased had been ill
for some weeks past. Death was the result of a general breaking down
of the system. Mr. Higgins was born in County Mead, Ireland, on May 8, 1804,
and came to America and took up residence in Buffalo in 1837.
He carried on a carriage and wagonmaking business in Buffalo for five years
when he moved to Greensville and started business as a carriage and wagon
manufacturer which he continued until 1883, when he retired from business.
He was married to Miss Jane Hartford in 1836. Mrs. Higgins died in November, 1867.
The deceased was a Roman Catholic and a devout, earnest and staunch churchman,
attending church regularly no matter how bad the weather was whenever
his health would permit it although he lived over two miles away.
In his every-day life he showed by his actions that he was a consistant
Christian. A more charitable man, or a better friend of the poor
and needy it would be impossible to find. He leaves a son, Christoper Higgins
of Beverly, and five daughters, Mrs. Patrick Enright, Greensville;
Miss Mary Jane Higgins, who has been living at home; Mrs. John O'Connor, Hamilton;
Mrs. Patrick McGovern, New York; Mrs. James Smith, of the 6th Concession.
Another son, Andrew died 17 years ago. The funeral took place on Monday
when the remains were followed by a large concourse of friends to the
Roman Catholic cemetery, Dundas. A solemn requiem Mass was celebrated
by the Very Rev. Vicar General Heenan. The pallbearers were Christoper Higgins,
son of the deceased, and five grandsons, Wm. Enright, John Enright,
Henry O'Connor, Andrew Higgins and Henry Higgins.