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Some of our dogs in daily life just loving being loved..

AKC UKC Blade with anthony

AKC UKC 1 week pups with my son JR

HEHEH our AKC English Bulldog AKC Kannos Daisy Mae can't get cutier than this!( 4 Months here)_

My freinds from Showstar Kennels having fun in the snow with our girl Gr ch Zeena


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Kannos Moonie babysitting

Kannos Astro as a pup with family

Kanno dogs playing fetch all at the same time

AKC/UKC CH. Gaffs Silver Simba , producer of many champions he was one of the best of the breed !We miss you Simba owner and breeder Pam Carter of Gaff Kennels

Kannos Ayala and Kannos Anthony

Kannos Appollo and a anothony feel alseep by being licked to sleep!~


Kannos Ayala ( 4 months) Playing with a big CH.PR' Buenos Aires Flash "Flash"

Chivas and Anjelika"

Ch Kannos Celeste playing with her best freind on Holloween two beautiful girls!

Me (RIP)with Gr Ch Gaffs Top Gun and Gr Ch Gaff Kannos New Addition

Kannos Capone (8 weeks)Taking a drive with freinds..

My daugher 11 years ago with kannos arco RIP

Two handsome boys!

A 5 month Kanno pup and one year old son

Stephanie from Buenos Aires kennels and Buenos Aires Specially Made AKA Destiny

MerryXmas From Kanno Kennels!

Marshall Owned By Skip Miller and Mellisa and samantha

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Grand Champion Kannos Skyes The Limit TT CGC VWD Dna-P Owned By True Kennels

Kannos Rasco ( 5 months ) kannos Anthony (2)

Play time for Kannos Bishop!!

Ch Kannos Lunas Built Like A Diesel giving mommy a kiss

Two girls having fun at a show GR CH Gaff Kannos New Addition and Ch Kannos B Aires Truth Be Told .


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