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AKC/UKC Blue Female PUPS FOR SALE NOW see for sale page very nice THICK blue babies going fast!

>AKC Blue Female PUPS FOR SALE NOW@!!!!! 800.00! Here at Kanno Kennels we breed top quality  American Staffordshire Terriers and the American Pit Bull Terriers making sure our puppies go to only to top selective homes.I have bred multiple Grand Champion and Champion dogs with temperment titles I prefer to produce big boned, very muscled dog's with blocky headpieces keeping the "BULL" in the breed while still conforming to the breeds standard.Our dog's maintain the athletic ability they were bred for and posses excellent temperaments  that make this a breed apart.We have an excellent reputation and reference's I hope you enjoy our dog's as much as we do.

I take pride in creating the ultimate dog doing extensive genetic, pedigree and background analysis on all dog's I own and breed. I have been invloved with the breed for 30 years and first showed American Staffordshire Terriers 15 years ago. We can never produce the perfect dog, but with obtaining knowledge everyday I eliminate as many faults as I possibly can. If you obtain a Kanno dog you can be assured you not only will have someof the best looking Dogs in the breed but a sound healthy dog with an unsurpassed temperament and heart.To enjoy the best in the breed is why I sell the best,to the best well known sports fiqures, Singers,Police Men, and top show home but most of all,to the person who will love respect and promote this awesume breed ..

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Breeder -Handler-Trainer-Christina and Paul Subega Central California Email:Kannokennels@yahoo.com
209.827.9974 10am-9pm Pacific

Fun time dont eat me hahah (just paying looks who's winning there the best of freinds!!