Created by Dave D.



News 'Vote virus' poses as plea for peace

WTC Information and Contact Numbers

Relatives of American Airlines passengers
seeking information about relatives 
may call 1-800-245-0999

United Airlines may call 1-800-932-8555

People searching for missing loved
ones were directed to call NYC Bureau
of Labs, 212-447-2998


Salvation Army USA

United Way of New York City

Red cross







Today through Sunday 10/7 at every Toys"R"Us
and Kids"R"Us store in the USA, parents can
bring their kids to make an American Flag.
All materials are available in store free

American Liberty Partnership Recommended by the President

G R A T E F U L N E S S Light A Candle

printable support America ribbon you can print out and wear proudly.

Fire National Online Fire Service Fund Raising

New York City is anticipating a severe blood-supply
 shortage in the wake of the World Trade Center tragedy.
 To offer assistance to the American Red Cross, 
call 1-800-HELP NOW. To donate blood in the 
Greater New York area, call the New York Blood 
Center at 1-800-933-BLOOD for locations. is accepting donations for
the Red Cross. Send the money to

If you have any information about these
terrorist please report it to

Compose a brief message - 10 words or less
and send it to Your message will
provide support and comfort to thousands of
individuals viewing ABC's large news ticker,
this Sunday, as they walk through New York's
Times Square. Messages of hope will continue
to scroll, here on Monday

September 14, 2001

Today is a day of "Prayer & Remembrance"

Please fly your flags proudly, light a candle tonight
and pray for our country, the wounded, the loved
ones who still haven't been recovered, the deceased,
the families who are dealing with their loss and all the 
heroic men & women who are helping in this time
of great tragedy. Together We Will Survive !
God Bless America !

Printable American Flag

Flag printout for your car 

Donate your points to WTC victims from MYPOINTS

Adopt A Platoon



"IMAGINE"  by  yellow 7 Design  (

Tribute to Victims and Families of World Trade Building

On The Wing Of Freedom

Another beautiful site


America's Tragedy as seen by the World


"God Bless the USA"
by: Lee Greenwood

See What We Can Do For You!