Celebrity Snapshots!

Here are some quick photos we managed to take with some of our favorite celebrities friends. Unfortunately, some of the film was old so the pictures didn't turn out very well.

It was a stroke of good fortune that we found Pochacco while we were roaming through Hollywood. We were a little intimidated to approach him at first (after hearing about those minor charges of indecent exposure in public) but when we finally got up the nerve, he was so down-to-earth for someone of his stature! We barely recognized him with his expensive 3-piece suit, his hair slicked back and black ray-bans, but when we asked if he could be so kind as to have his picture taken, he was so sweet! He stripped down to his stage clothes, blew up an inflatable beachball, put a fake band-aid on his forehead, and posed with us. Then he even autographed the photo for us. Sigh, if only everyone in Hollywood were like him!

I had no idea Nancy and Diana were so popular in Japan until I stumbled upon this ad on the internet!

Betcha didn't know that Nancy went to high school with Xena and Hercules.

Unfortunately, after waiting a long time to meet the president, the camera broke down and I was the only one who could take a picture with him.

Here Brad and I are at the opening to one of his films.

We're just one big happy family

Pictures taken from People Magazine Online.It's a great site. Check it out.

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