Barnett Family - General Resources

Download GEDCOM compatible file of Barnett genealogy, starting with Joseph Barnett (1754-1838) and his wife Sarah Scott (1773-1838). 

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A list of persons covered in the GEDCOM file is attached. 

Extracts from: History of Grant County Wisconsin by Castello N. Holford, (1900)
Mentions of Barnetts, Kaltenbachs, J. B. Callis and other relatives in this title.

Thomas Barnett - Served in the Second Wisconsin (Company C, originally the Grant County Greys), serving as sergeant. He was later promoted to 2nd Lt. in the Twenty-Fifth Wisconsin. This later regiment served with Grant and Sherman from Vicksburg through Atlanta. He is a son of Andrew Barnett and grandson of Joseph Barnett (above).

Thomas Barnett's letter - Dated Sept. 22, 1861 to his brother Joseph. It describes life in the 2nd Wisconsin.

John Barnett - Served in the Twenty-Fifth Wisconsin with his brother Thomas.

Harry & Isabelle (Kaltenbach) Barnett - This seem to be taken in from of my grandfather's house in Boscobel, after 1921. 

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