Wednesday, 30th December 1998, the 1st day

After a one night stay in Amsterdam, I was in the Easyjet 502 aeroplane going to Liverpool.
A take off time was delayed a little. But weather on a sky was fine and a flight was completely good. When the aeroplane started to landing, my heart also started to beat fast. Yeah, I finally came back to Liverpool. Two years ago when I last visited here, it was extraordinary cold winter. There were snow everywhere and some people died cos of the cold. But this time there's no snow and not colder than before. At a passport control point on the Liverpool airport, almost of passengers were european and went out straight but me seemed only non-european so I had to wait in a few minutes to be checked my passport. Should I show officer my SCOUSE passport:) Then I picked up my luggage and went out the airport. At an arrival hall, I saw my first Liverpool friend, Lynn, waiting for me.

Lynn and me made a friendship when I first came to Liverpool, May 1996. When I was planing my first visiting, I was trying to find a person via the internet who lives in or around Liverpool to let me know about Liverpool of the birthplace of the Beatles. Lynn was on a keypal webpage and said she's in Liverpool. I mailed her several times and I asked if I could meet her when I visit Liverpool. She said yes and she became my first Liverpool friend. She worked in the Radio City at that time and we met each other at her office in Stanley Street. Then she took me her flat and introduced her boyfriend Mike to me. Lynn and Mike got married a month later.

There was only Lynn at the airport. And unfortunately, she couldn't made me stay in their house cos of their personal problem. Wow, I didn't expect to stay other places. I had to make a booking somewhere. Then I thought to ask queen of Scousers mailing list Mags who still in Liverpool if she could make me stay. Unfortunately again, there was her husband Eddie on the phone and said Mags wasn't well. So me and Lynn went some budget hostels in Mount Pleasant to make a booking for my bed and finally I decided to stay in YMCA cos it was very cheap. We had an appointment of New Year's eve party tomorrow night. Lynn went back to her work.

After unpacking my bag, I phoned Mags's house again to let her know where I am and this time I could talk with Mags. I said her my wish to meet her 2nd January if she would get well.

Then I strolled in the city centre. First, I went to the Welcome Centre in Clayton Square and bought new Beatles map, Echo featuring Sir Paul McCartney, "Liverpool... swinging 60's" video and Red cap. And I saw the Super Lamb Banana standing on Williamson Square.

Winter sky is dark already and my feeling sank down too when I've thought about my friends and I felt so lonely. So it's time to go to pub. I went to the Jacaranda on Slater Street. This was a place the early Beatles appeared. There're many photies of young John, George, Paul and Pete Best and Stuart Sutcliffe. I was drinking alone at first but after the second pint, a guy talked to me and we had a chat with another two pint each other. Liverpool is still a heart warming city. A good thing to drink in England is it's cost. I can drink bitter in Japan but it's very expensive. Can you imagine it's 4 or 5 pounds(it means 800 or 1000 Yen) for just ONE pint! I was happy I can drink only 1 pound or so.

Well I got drunken too much. It's time to go to bed. Good night.

2nd day

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