TITANIC's registered port was Liverpool(ref.1,2) but never been to there

Atlantic Ferry route starts from Liverpool(ref.3)

White Star Line, 1850, Australian mine trade

Cunard Line, 1839, Royal Mail to Canada and the USA Titanic Plaque in Liverpool End of the ferry era

White Star Line and Cunard Line combine. Cunard White Star(1935 - late 1940s) now Cunard Line.
First jet crosses the Atlantic(1959) More people crossed by air rather than by sea.

ref.1 TITANIC, movie program, Japan, 1997, p19
ref.2 JAMES CAMERON'S TITANIC, ED W. Marsh,TAKE SHOBO, Japan, 1997, p22
ref.3 TITANIC Music As Heard On The Fateful Voyage, CD booklet, Japan, 1997, p8
ref.4 personal mail from my netfriend whose relative was the crew of the Carpathia

TITANIC Music As Heard On The Fateful Voyage, The White Star Orchestra, RHINO R2 72821(AMCY-2458), Japan
AND THE BAND PLAYED ON Music played on the ships of the White Star Line, LONDON POCL-1788, Japan
TITANIC Music from the motion picture, Sony Classical SK 63213

related site
White Star Line (
White Star Line History (
Britannica Online Titanic (
Titanic Atlantic Ferry (
Cunard Archives Titanic (
Cunard Line (
Cunard's history at a glance (
The Cunard Fleet Carpathia (

Katsumi Kashimura for The Society of British Culture, 9-10 May 1998

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