Welcome to Tony's Family's Homepage!

Well, hello everyone! This is a new experience for me. Because of that fact, things may be a little "rustic" looking. Pardon my dust, the place is still under construction.

This is a great way to keep you folks up to date (hopefully!) on all that is happening with Kathleen, the Boys, and I.

I hope to post as many photos as possible. "Bookmark" or list this page as a "Favorite" (MS Explorer)and come back as often as you like!

William and Grandpa checking out an Olympus D600L Digital Camera!

Looking back on "Lookout Mountain with William and Matthew!"

William's auditioning for "Home Improvement!"

HEY! I'm pretty darn proud of the fact that this thing is turning out OK!! Especially since this is my first attempt at creating a Webpage!

Special acknowledgement has to go to The Complete Idiot's Guide To Creating An HTML Web Page, 2nd Edition. Thanks!

Let me know what you think, etc. Mail

Here is a list of some interesting links:

Citizens For An Alternative Tax System.

The Atlanta Braves Home Page.

The National Association for Child Development. Learn more about Dyslexia, ADD, and brain injuries, etc., and how to overcome the challenges!

World Champion Detroit Red Wings.

The Free Graphics Store Archives. Great stuff for your Webpage!

Big Al's Kombucha Tea Page.

St. Stephen's Anglican Church Homepage.

The Gourmet Padre. Great Desserts for the Holiday Season and year-round!

Plexus Web Creations Let a professional do it!

Search StreetPrices.Com for the going cost of computer parts:

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