Ring Petfinder on 01455
202777. They will check their 'found' register,
and reunite you if they have a match. If not,
your pets details will be put out on Radio
Leicester - there are three bulletins broadcast
every week. |
Produce leaflets
describing your pet in as much detail as possible
(include a photograph if you can). State when and
where your pet was lost. Offer a reward. Remember
to include both daytime and evening telephone
numbers where you can be contacted. |
Distribute your leaflets
to vets, animal rescue centres, kennels,
catteries, pubs, clubs, shops, milkmen, postmen,
farmers. Make sure everyone knows about your
missing pet. |
Put your leaflets on
noticeboards over a wide radius. |
Ask your neighbours to
check garages, sheds, etc in case the animal is
shut in. |
Advertise your lost pet in
local newspapers circulated in the area where the
animal was lost. |
Advertise your lost pet on
the internet. |
If your pet is chipped or
tattooed, don't forget to inform the registration
organisation. |
Speak to the Council's
Environmental Health Department who can advise
whether any dead animal has been collected. It
really is better to know. |