Anacostia, S.E.Washington,D.C.


Anacostia High School in the 50's or 60's??

Do you remember Southeast D.C in the 50's and 60's?

Do you remember the Fairlawn... sometimes called the Flats?

Do you remember the Mighty Mo?

Do you remember the "Avenue"?

Do you remember the Highland Theater, The Anacostia Theater, The Naylor?

Do you remember any of the people in the following pictures....? Or click and see a band called the The Spinners (you will have to use your browser's "back" button to get back to this page...

I have scanned some of the seniors from the 1962 Totem Pole:

Absher to Badia

Bagley to Bell

Blagman to Brennan

Brizzi to Carpenter

Cates to Clay

Cleeton to Dalton

Dargi to Dornes

Douglas to Eagan

Fisher to Finck

Frantz to Gilkerson

Glover to Hanley

Hare to Hawkins

Henderson to Howard

Hurtt to James

Jarvis to Kirchner

Knode to Long

Lynn to McCluney

McClure to Morris

Moss to Orfield

Page to Poole

Pressley to Reed

Reeves to Roser

Roy to Short

Simensen to Smith

Smyth to Tayman

Thomas to Troup

J.Tucker to Villarreal

Wade to Weed

Wellons to Young

I'll be adding more pictures in time.... and who knows YOU just might be in one!!

Mean time you can also take a look at Anacostia BACK then...or read some e-mail I've received.

Links to other sites on the Web

Oldies 100
Tunes of the 50's & 60's
Oldies Unlimited
Rewind The 50's
Anacostia High School Alumni
Bill & Linda Greene

© 1997

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