Williams Families - Combined Williams Lines

Updated December 14, 1999

When Roger Williams married Ann Williams, two prestigious lines of Williams were combined. [See Line 1 - Roger Williams and Line 2 - Ann Williams]. This page contains information on their descendants.

Roger Williams, born 1700, died 1767. He married Ann Williams.

Roger Williams' Will of 1767, Richmond,VA

"Will Book-5, pp. 413-414" containing his will and inventory. Will dated: 14 Jan 1767 and proved 2 Mar 1767.

"I, Roger Williams of Richmond County and Parish of North Farnham being sick and weak but of Good and Sound memory thanks be to almighty God for the same Calling to Remembrance the uncertainty of this Transitory world that all flesh must yield to Death when it shall Please God to call do make and declare this my last will and Testament Revoking and Disannulling all other Wills heretofore by one made and that is to be for my last will and Testament and no other.
Item I Give and bequeath unto my daughter Sarah Williams one shilling cash Beside what I have given her by a deed of gift.
Item I Give unto my son George Williams one shilling cash beside what I have Given him by a deed of Gift.
Item I Give unto my son Hukey Williams one Shilling Cash.
Item I Give unto my daughter Elizabeth Dameron one shilling.
Item I give unto my son John Williams' childlren each and every one of them one shilling cash.
Item I give and bequeath unto my son Luke Williams all my land Wheresoever lying to him and his heirs forever except thirty acres of my Land that I Purchased of Michael Connell adjoining the land that I Purchased of Owin Brady. I give unto Capt. LeRoy Peachey during my wife's Pricilla's Life at her decease 'tis my will & desire that the said thirty acres of land shall go to my son Luke to him and his heirs forever.
Item I Give and bequeath unto my son Luke Williams all the Remainder Part of my Estate of what Kind so ever (Except what I have Already given by a deed of Gift to my children) to him and his heirs forever.
Lastly I do nominate and appoint my son Luke Williams to be my whole and sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seale the 14th day of January 1767

Sealed in the Presence of
Samuel Williams
Luke Williams
Jesse Morriss
Richard Brown Junr

At a Court held for Richmond county the 2nd day of March 1767. This Will was Presented at Court by Luke Williams, Junr the Sole Executor therein named who made oath thereto according to Law and being proved by the oaths of Samuel Williams, Luke Williams, Jesse Morriss and Richard Brown, Junr witnesses thereto was admitted to Record. And on the Motion of the said Executor given Security a Certificate is granted for obtaining a Probate thereof in one form.

Test LeRoy Peachey


Note: Inventory in Will Book 6, pp. 417/419

Along with church records from North Farnham Parish and other records, we can see that the children of Roger Williams are:

By his first wife, Mary ____________ :

By his wife Ann Williams (they married 5 Aug, 1728) :