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Amanda Mary

I came to live with my parents when I was 2 3/4 years old. I like my family. I am brown and my parents are tan. I think being adopted was fun! When I first saw my room it was full of pink and white balloons! My bunny, bedsheets and curtains matched the wallpaper. It was super!

I love school. I am 13 years old and in the seventh grade. I like to write stories and I want to be an author when I grow up. I have already written several books but they have not been published yet. One of my favorite authors is Elvira Woodruff.

I love Barbies. I always ask for another one when we go to the store. Mom usually says "No." I also like sunflowers and the color yellow! I was in a performance of Hansel and Gretel as one of the Gingerbread children and as an angel.

I live in Pennsylvania. Our State flower is the Mountain Laurel. We live in the country and I love it! I'm glad you chose to read my page. Bye!

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