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Hi! I'm Jessica Rose and I was sixteen years old in January. I was adopted with my sister Amanda when I was almost six.

I am in the tenth grade and my favorite subject is reading. I attend a Christian School. I played the violin for 7 years.

We have a new house. I share a room with my sister Amanda. The house is gray with blue shutters and a blue roof. It is bigger than our old one and even has two full bathrooms. My bedroom is decorated in purple, blue and green. It has a design of mountains and a starry sky.

My favorite part of church is singing. I like going to Christian events like camp, BYF and retreats. Two summers ago I went to Oklahoma for a 10 day Mission-Work Camp. It was my first time away from home. The trip was physically exhausting, emotionally draining and spiritually challenging but I loved every minute of it! I hope to take an International Mission Trip someday.

I like to roller blade, shop, read, watch t.v. and play computer games. My favorite colors are purple and teal.

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