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Luke Thomas

Hi! I'm 12 1/2 years old. I'm a twin and I'm adopted. My brother Zach and I were born very, very early and we were very tiny. I was the biggest at 2lbs. 6 oz. and 14 inches long. We were in the hospital for a long time.

I was very sick in the hospital. First they had to operate on my heart to correct a ductus defect that wouldn't get better with medicine. Then my Liver stopped functioning properly and I got really sick. Dad said I was his rainbow boy. He never knew what color I would be when he visited me! They said I needed to have a liver transplant but I probably wouldn't live to weigh the 14 pounds I would need to be to have it.

Mom put oil on my head and prayed for God to heal me. You can read the whole story of how God answered Mom's prayer at "Our Adoption Story."

Shortly after that I was diagnosed as severely hearing impaired. The audiologist wanted to give me hearing aides but mom and dad decided to wait and see if I would begin to speak without aides. I received PT, OT, Speech and Special Education starting when I was 6 months old. I didn't walk until I was almost 2. At 2 1/2 I began to talk and the doctors couldn't figure out how since I couldn't hear! Mom told them I was hearing by the Holy Spirit! I was almost 4 before I could go up the stairs independently but I had a great SI therapist that helped me learn to do lots of great things! This is a picture of Zach and I when we were 21 months old. I'm the one in the back with all the curls.

Now that I'm older I am diagnosed with mild Cerebral Palsy, Sensory Integration Delays, Central Auditory Processing Deficits and Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity Disorder. One time mom and dad bought me a pair of sneakers with the lights in the bottom. Everyone laughed because mine flashed even when I was standing still! I take Ritalin for school because mom says it keeps me from vibrating in my shoes and off my chair! I'm very thin and have to drink Pediasure everyday to try to gain weight. Dad says he wishes he had that problem!

I take gymnastic classes and this past December I had three parts in the production of the Nutcracker! My first Occupational Therapist happened to attend the show and sat right in front of mom and dad. She turned around to find them and when she did she was crying. She said she couldn't wait to tell the other therapists how well I was doing. I think it was the four back flips that did it! I also take tap dancing lessons with mom and my sister Mariah. I also participate in horseback riding through Easter Seals.

Zach and I decorated our new bedroom with horses. It's blue, green and tan and really cool. We're on the first floor so Zach doesn't have to be carried upstairs to bed anymore. We have half of the basement for our toys and games. I like to play Nintendo and Air Hockey.

I'm glad you came to visit my page and learn about me. I hope you come back again!

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